Unfortunately not, all that does is cause a compilation error for anyone using serial but what did work was commenting out the HID_ENABLED flag instead.
It depends, as some control devices are now HID, I think the traktor F1 units are.
Hi, I'm using an arduino leonardo, I've been using arcore extensively for midi for a few weeks, now I have a project where I'd like to be able to send...
midiox sees the 2 boards as 'Arduino Leonardo' in the input picker. Serato is even worse, you can learn the same control on both boxes and they'll work independently for...
I use a numark mixtrack pro II with serato but it doesn't show up as a seperate midi controller as the controller is built to be used with serato out...
I wonder if messing with the pid might help?
it seems changing the PID is the way forwards, what I did was a bit clunky, I copied the whole arcore directory, renamed it arcore2 and then went through the...
How are you guys getting on with the usb midi host driver? I tried the .hex file today and I can't get any response from 4 different midi devices, emu...
@MrBlueXav @tomassch Here's what I've found so far, I used usbpcap and wireshark, usbpcap to capture the usb packets of my keyboard, including unplugging and replugging it in, then moving...