James Roome
James Roome
You are doing a great job! There is definitely a big gap on doing page objects well for Protractor. Your guide is the best I have found!
``` header_PersonName: { get: function() { return this.findElements(this.by.binding('{{header.displayName}}')).then(function (elems) { return elems[0]; }); } } ``` My test: expect(page.header_PersonName).toBeDefined(); When I run protractor I get this error: Error: expect called...
``` expect(element(by.repeater('feature in features')).getText()).to.eventually.contain(feature); ``` Will always get the text of the first feature. So if you changed your home.feature test to be: _Then I should see the feature "Feature...
I ran `jdeps --generate-module-info . --module-path libs/ --multi-release 9 --ignore-missing-deps kotlin-logging-jvm-5.1.0.jar` and got `META-INF\versions\9\module-info.java` ``` module io.github.oshai.kotlinlogging { requires kotlinx.coroutines.core; requires transitive java.logging; requires transitive kotlin.stdlib; requires transitive org.slf4j; exports...
Disclaimer: Sorry for any incorrect assumptions, this is my first time trying to debug SPIR-V issues. I'm having a go at getting [multi_draw_indirect](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Samples/tree/main/samples/performance/multi_draw_indirect) in [Vulkan-Samples](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Samples/tree/main) working, and I'm running into...
Updated to 1.3.280 and now getting this validation error: Validation Error: [ VUID-VkDeviceCreateInfo-pNext-pNext ] Object 0: handle = 0x13da30e00, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_INSTANCE; | MessageID = 0x901f59ec | **vkCreateDevice(): pCreateInfo->pNext includes...
I'm trying to reference an automatic module bundle, but can't since it has no exports. If I look at it in Gogo using the `headers` command: ``` Atomos-GeneratedManifest = true...
Hi there, I have created a new project in IntelliJ and when I try to use your plugin I get "Unresolved reference: lwjgl" ``` plugins { id("org.lwjgl.plugin") version "0.0.34" kotlin("jvm")...