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Gjallarhorn is a small, lightweight framework for managing mutable state when notifications are required.

Results 10 Gjallarhorn issues
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Fixes https://github.com/ReedCopsey/Gjallarhorn/issues/68


Is this any better @ReedCopsey ? SignalBase is still there and I haven't done anything with types using validation. The methods is sound unlike the last one. I reduced usage...

We see occasional errors from App Center resulting from use of `as self`. ``` System.InvalidOperationException: The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed...


To: #27 -- Some thoughts and questions * Does it make sense to use some custom operators? like ```fsharp let inline (-->) x expected = Expect.equal x expected "" ```...

In a console app, if one manually creates a `SynchronizationContext`, then uses it with `Signal.observeOn`, then adds a subscription handler to the resulting signal with `my_signal.Subscribe (....)`, it can get...

Removing many items in one pass appears to have the potential to cause BoundCollection to throw. Loading the collection sample, and turn off processing. Select multiple items to process, then...

up for grabs

I'd like to migrate the tests to Expecto (https://github.com/haf/expecto) This provides a much nicer test environment overall, which would be beneficial moving forward.

up for grabs

Many of the tests could be done via FsCheck, which would allow much better test coverage and help prevent edge cases from creeping in. Would be nice to integrate this...

up for grabs