figma-export icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
figma-export copied to clipboard

Support SVG Optimizer.

Open vadimbryl opened this issue 3 years ago • 3 comments

Do you plan to add SVG Optimizer support?

Problem: can't use figma-export when you have many link warnings in your Icon Set and usually you fix it manually, but figma-export doesn't support it. ⚠️ VectorPath: Long vector paths.(Very long vector path, which is bad for performance. Considering reducing precision, removing minor details, or rasterizing vector.)

Possible Solution: it will be great to add a step to optimize SVG before exporting to XML. There is a good SVG Optimizer for it.

vadimbryl avatar Apr 02 '21 14:04 vadimbryl

Could you please show me an example of complex SVG file with "Long vector paths"?

subdan avatar Apr 02 '21 15:04 subdan

<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
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vadimbryl avatar Apr 02 '21 15:04 vadimbryl

I don’t plan to add support for SVG optimizer.

subdan avatar Apr 02 '21 18:04 subdan