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OpenShift template for GitLab Runner with Kubernetes executor


Gitlab proposes to deploy the runner using Helm or GitLab operator. It requires additional permissions. This approach problematically to use in OpenShift Container Platform if you don't have cluster admin privileges. Moreover, default images are not designed to run using an arbitrarily assigned user ID. This repo contains dockerfiles and an OpenShift template which allows you to deploy the GitLab runner in OCP with minimum efforts.


Add and instantiate the template. You should replace GITLAB_RUNNER_VERSION by required version of gitlab-runner, e.g. v13.8.0. It's not guaranteed that version from master will work due to changes in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner repo. You can also specify latest in GITLAB_RUNNER_VERSION to provision the latest stable version of the template.

oc process -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RedHatQE/ocp-gitlab-runner/GITLAB_RUNNER_VERSION/ocp-gitlab-runner-template.yaml \
-p NAME="some_name" \
-p GITLAB_HOST="example.com" \
-p REGISTRATION_TOKEN="$(echo -n some_token | base64)" \
-p CONCURRENT="number_of_concurrent_pods" | oc create -f -

In order to delete all created objects:

oc delete secret,cm,sa,rolebindings,bc,is,deployment -l app=some_name



This image based on registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8-micro. It contains gitlab-runner executable that talks to GitLab CI and spawns builder pods via kubernetes executor.


GitLab's helper image with gitlab-runner-helper executable. The image based on registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8-minimal.


An OpenShift template that creates required objects and deploys the runner with minimum efforts. Just provide a name, GitLab instance host, runner's registration token and desired number of concurrent build pods.


  • NAME

    description: Name of DeploymentConfig and value of "app" label.

    required: true


    description: Host of a GitLab instance.

    required: true


    description: GitLab runner version, e.g "v13.1.2".

    required: false


    description: Runner's registration token. Base64 encoded string is expected.

    required: true


    description: The maximum number of concurrent CI pods.

    required: true


    description: Tag list.

    required: false


    description: A default image which will be used in GitLab CI.

    required: false


    description: A certificate that is used to verify TLS peers when connecting to the GitLab server. Base64 encoded string is expected.

    required: false


    description: A patch for config.toml which will be applied during runner registration. Details in https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/register/#runners-configuration-template-file

    required: false


    description: A repo url with this template. It might be useful for development puproses.

    required: false


    description: A ref of the repo with this template. It might be useful for development puproses.

    required: false