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LINUX / Fact Scan: Has no useful output
This particular job shows no useful output, so its purpose is not clear. What should we expect to see? Sample output below
Identity added: /runner/artifacts/24/ssh_key_data (/runner/artifacts/24/ssh_key_data)
PLAY [all] *********************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [node2]
TASK [Scan packages (Unix/Linux)] **********************************************
ok: [node2]
TASK [Scan services (Unix/Linux)] **********************************************
ok: [node2]
TASK [Scan files (Unix/Linux)] *************************************************
skipping: [node2]
TASK [Scan Insights for Machine ID (Unix/Linux)] *******************************
ok: [node2]
TASK [Scan packages (Windows)] *************************************************
skipping: [node2]
TASK [Scan services (Windows)] *************************************************
skipping: [node2]
TASK [Scan files (Windows)] ****************************************************
skipping: [node2]
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************node2 : ok=4 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=4 rescued=0 ignored=0
See comment on issue #35 (re: control). If we controlled this we could certainly change the output. What do you want to see?
The 2 important things this does currently is validate connectivity and populate fact cache.
The description of the template in the documentation does not enlighten me on what I can actually do with these facts? Can I see these facts somewhere or is there a subsequent job template that takes advantage of these facts? Perhaps an explanation of the purpose of this template would help. I read the upstream documentation and am still not clear on how this would be useful to me.
In the context of the demo it would be good to make use of the facts, rather than just say "hey, we collected some info, but you can't see what we collected and have no lear way for you to use it."