rm_robot copied to clipboard
我docker中以Ubuntu20.04为镜像创建了包含ROS noetic的容器,现在无法驱动真实机械臂
我的机械臂型号是RM-65,已经按照介绍页面所说的去掉了load controllers.yaml.的注释,但是现在Motion Planning一直是warn状态,请问我应该怎么解决 看终端输出信息有下面俩个报错 [ERROR] [1723189561.492637086]: No sensor plugin specified for octomap updater 0; ignoring. [ERROR] [1723189577.180458991]: Action client not connected: rm_group/follow_joint_trajectory
拖动rviz界面的机械臂可以plan但不能execute,报错如下 [ERROR] [1723189837.117922724]: Unable to identify any set of controllers that can actuate the specified joints: [ joint1 joint2 joint3 joint4 joint5 joint6 ] [ERROR] [1723189837.118033730]: Known controllers and their joints:
[ERROR] [1723189837.118611296]: Apparently trajectory initialization failed