
Results 33 comments of Kai

开源工具自荐:https://github.com/Kaiyiwing/qwerty-learner 为键盘工作者设计的单词记忆与英语肌肉记忆锻炼软件,并有常用编程语言 API 的练习词典

I am facing the same bug, and I found in line 305, the code is like this ``` if (tickFormat.tickValues !== null) { xAxis.tickValues(tickFormat.tickValues); } else { xAxis.tickArguments(tickFormat.numTicks || [tickFormat.tickTime,...

> Is that a bug or not? It's a bug, definitely

@denisemauldin hi, I only want to change the tickInterval to per day, but the default is per week, I change the tickInterval like this ``` .tickFormat({ format: d3.timeFormat("%b %e"), tickTime:...

I have tried ``` brew uninstall ffmpeg brew uninstall tesseract npm install opencv4nodejs ``` and even ``` brew rmtree opencv ```

I temporarily chose ‘Installing OpenCV Manually’ But I'm still curious why `npm install --save opencv4nodejs` not work

🐶 最省事的解决方案: 原模式改名为 循环模式,然后增加一个新版的罚抄模式,在 readme 上写清楚就好

这个 idea 确实不错,但代价太高了 以及理论上我们并没有语音包的存储版权,目前发音是实时从 有道开放 API 获取的

@Mahoo12138 可以直接提一个小的 pr 修改这个 typo