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Reactive Programming in Swift

Results 72 RxSwift issues
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**Short description of the issue**: Sorry for the dummy question, but I can't find link to download version 6.5.0 of : RxCocoa.xcFramework RxRelay.xcFramework **Expected outcome**: A link 😅 **What actually...

Crashed: rxswift.queue.DispatchQoS(qosClass: Dispatch.DispatchQoS.QoSClass.background, relativePriority: 0) 0 libicucore.A.dylib 0xddff4 icu::Calendar::getTimeZone() const + 506 1 libicucore.A.dylib 0x1f05a4 ucal_setTimeZone + 160 2 CoreFoundation 0x8c968 __cficu_ucal_setTimeZone + 64 3 CoreFoundation 0x817a4 __ResetUDateFormat + 1784...

**Short description of the issue**: I just updated to XCode 14.0.1, and my project now won't compile, with a single error stating "Error: Compiling for iOS 9.0, but module 'RxSwift'...

**Short description of the issue**: Archiving a framework which is using RxCocoa as a Swift package dependency fails using xcodebuild. **Expected outcome**: Archive succeeds. **What actually happens**: Here's my command...

*Short description of missing functionality*: Starting from RxSwift 6.5 there is a very helpful extension function to AsyncSequence asObservable() which helps to convert coroutine to Observable, but if I want...

1. Added xcprivacy - 'mach_absolute_time' exists in folder 'Tests' - System boot time APIs - 35F9.1 - One each in the RxSwift, RxCocoa, and RxRelay folders. - Remove If Not...

i updated Xcode 15 RxSwift (6.0) iOS 15.2 and crash like image please help me , many thanks!

Simply shortens/tidies up a few places of code, each of which were 3 lines, but could be written with just one using Optional's map function. This feels like too small...

Following the same topic in [RxSwift offical slack](https://rxswift.slack.com/archives/C052N01RE/p1701939105380179). According to the definition of "third-party SDKs" that as mentioned in the WWDC23, new documents: [Privacy manifest files | Apple Developer Documentation](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/privacy_manifest_files)...

**Short description of the issue**: crash on -[RxCocoa.RxTextViewDelegateProxy text]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x28132bdb0 ```swift private let userInputSubject = PublishSubject() private let emoticonsRelay = BehaviorRelay(value: []) private var disposeBag...