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Rx.Scala bindings for RxNetty
I am creating this issue to discuss what needs to be done to integrate RxNetty with RxScala. RxNetty currently uses rx.Observable
in it's API, it would be much nicer if we could work with rx.lang.scala.Observable
in the Scala land.
cc/ @mattrjacobs @benjchristensen
Just like RxScala is a wrapper around RxJava, there would need to be a wrapper for RxNetty. It would use RxScala for all the Rx pieces, so that part is already done.
Right now, just convert the rx.Observable into an rx.lang.scala.Observable and you'll get all the Scala goodness without going to the effort of making a complete RxNetty API in Scala.
You can simply import the conversions from the Rx scala library.
You can simply import the conversions from the Rx scala library.
@headinthebox does it mean using rx.lang.scala.JavaConversions.toScalaObservable to convert an RxJava Observable
to RxScala Observable
@benjchristensen If that is what is required to use RxNetty in scala, is there a need to provide an RxNetty API in scala?
It's not needed, Scala can call Java, it's just an optimization. Scala users would have to chime in as to whether it is important. If so it would be a separate project like RxScala. Since all public APIs are exposed with Observables I'd want to first see if RxScala provides enough, since that's where "user code" ends up mostly being done and Scala features like for-comprehensions matter.