revanced-patches copied to clipboard
feat (YouTube): `Hide view all posts button`
Feature description
Instead of the comments box under community posts, for some posts there's a view all posts button which when clicked upon will take the user to a page full of posts from random channels (almost like Instagram feed).
View all posts button:
It's weird to have a page full of posts instead of the occasional posts from the pages you've subscribed to as you're being taken to a page full of posts from random channels.
- [X] This issue is not a duplicate of an existing feature request.
- [X] I have chosen an appropriate title.
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Try finding the litho component name, I don't have this button on my end
I did try to capture the litho component but the log didn't show anything which hides the button only in specific.
Please send the relevant log
I captured the log with protobuffer turned off.
02-21 18:00:47.620 2700 2981 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: Path: post_base_wrapper.eml|5e2b195a9a5d7880|CellType|post_base.eml|397e38aba64a8981|ContainerType|post.eml|b9dd6295ab418a5f|ContainerType|ContainerType|ContainerType|post_engagement_toolbar.eml|ddc981ccdd1c3fd9|ContainerType|ContainerType|post_comment_button.eml|285fe3c99a0f9574|ContainerType|post_comment_count.eml|4d9bf50cf465aac1|ContainerType|TextType|
This line are only the components before the button
02-21 23:46:44.696 16424 22626 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: Path: post_base_wrapper.eml|5e2b195a9a5d7880|CellType|post_base.eml|397e38aba64a8981|ContainerType|post.eml|b9dd6295ab418a5f|ContainerType|ContainerType|post_header.eml|2dce4b70ac02cd14|ContainerType|ContainerType|ContainerType|
02-21 23:46:44.696 16424 22626 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: BufferStrings: post_menu.eml|cf95372aa71af81f❙>%G2❙Key_PostMetadataWithController❙post_metadata.eml|8fdafefdca415443❙&K}6❙post_avatar.eml|32d70da7bae26a07❙
As the string says, that's the components at the top
Which component are you specifying?
The one you described
Does this mean something?
02-22 00:06:37.729 24919 25430 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: BufferStrings: id.ui.backstage.post_menu_button❙Action menu❙Report❙Report❙GiRVZ2t4YS1BNUd6b3JISDduZ0g5eFBUbkRGNnpWeGJZRHhTMlcoAjpECAEQBBokVWdreGEtQTVHem9ySEg3bmdIOXhQVG5ERjZ6VnhiWUR4UzJXWhhVQ0JpMm1yV3VOdXlZeTRnYk02ZlUxOFFK-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*❙Not interested❙Not interested❙AB9zfpIu-2i6aQF0V8aQ0QLHUI6fXZ65QjZ8GzEZGw9G-42y8yanF4NfU04aIpFu35e6S3VGsSW4W8sbaPelThhhrfxA2n8z9a5U730AJXctHlClR18XiUfzzYw533WFuL1gCQ8RvgFkjxM62UuGEH44tG4OAWMC1cr99PgO7W6ZjTePLiDJLQU❙Post removed❙Post removed❙Undo❙AB9zfpL4b0V1VFKjLZHfgP9Ve8Kf-bGysfrInJ8RgoX96WDi-_bXn-B74LvZ_qgoDhAD8GeTwb9Bo9-fPdVBaiaEMuqI-ICFabciGYOVpHsgwhPVoejvmuQqYoeL3yQ8N69wzXbret3DMtMXzDtjHRFGTAef1F1MBnVpBBHOm2Uarji0N8JqtPo*❙"Don't recommend posts from channel❙"Don't recommend posts from channel❙AB9zfpJdSNTppW0txmzVOClkAb5PTlkz3qwlf22lePxMuruTqwFp40Gxhfra27XyG74vhwBBpYMT9yJoYLcZwzNxiIE_GNrKnjR-nPHBe7SoJHkpOxDN7a1HaHyf05LEK6BbfQfV1N3Ycl_n0Ur1FlDPaL5Q87P2kp4vzcM4ciklHhineCRrWVvQur0BONDSSbnLG7GrEgKq❙7We won't recommend posts from this channel to you again❙7We won't recommend posts from this channel to you again❙Undo:❙AB9zfpKOnOAqoDeyuStOOfO01_6SMx1bGgHS_t7JOhyeh5TVkxU1Yo7m9Jx2whkOG_agw2kPsAQqOp_8Rg5Aa9KPpztW9yLV82__QC2FSzrt9NXqb6vajg-AKrBc5gvMnPuITxsAS3gC_8eZvJF6Qu7-2dE5lg3XytSI7JjDmhTeY4-XyZ7tu0n19glSzhyeOElQLhITQ8mBj❙Learn morej❙1//❙yt_outline_overflow_vertical_black_36❙
I don't think so
The post_menu_button doesn't signify anything?
You can try blocking it and confirm yourself
I think that's the 3 dot menu on the side, hence the report, not interested and so forth options. Also, that's not a .eml file, so will it be blocked by custom filter?
I suggest to try and see
you listed is in the buffer. So you need to use something that's in the path as well.
The log you are posting has the path and buffer on different log entries so need to find the path that matches that log line.
02-22 00:20:39.011 10626 11339 D revanced: Filter: LayoutComponentsFilter Filtered identifier: cell_divider.eml|a3c76cf45290d34f
02-22 00:20:39.662 10626 11339 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: Searching
02-22 00:20:39.662 10626 11339 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: ID: post_base_wrapper.eml|5e2b195a9a5d7880
02-22 00:20:39.662 10626 11339 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: Path: post_base_wrapper.eml|5e2b195a9a5d7880|CellType|
02-22 00:20:39.662 10626 11339 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: BufferStrings: expand-post-cell❙post_base.eml|397e38aba64a8981❙&g_{❙@EiRVZ2t4QW1zMHdjc2tEZW53dDBUZ1FfeHBFN3FKdGFaM084VUwgqAIoAQ%3D%3D❙".B,❙1708541439501371592❙post_base_wrapper.eml|5e2b195a9a5d7880❙
02-22 00:20:39.665 10626 11338 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: BufferStrings: Key_Post❙post.eml|b9dd6295ab418a5f❙❙
02-22 00:20:39.666 10626 11339 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: Searching
02-22 00:20:39.666 10626 11339 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: ID: null
02-22 00:20:39.666 10626 11339 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: Path: post_base_wrapper.eml|5e2b195a9a5d7880|CellType|post_base.eml|397e38aba64a8981|ContainerType|post.eml|b9dd6295ab418a5f|ContainerType|
02-22 00:20:39.667 10626 11338 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: BufferStrings: Key_Post❙post_engagement_toolbar_transition_key❙post_engagement_toolbar.eml|ddc981ccdd1c3fd9❙post_content.eml|e73333795cadcc57❙post_header.eml|2dce4b70ac02cd14❙id.ui.backstage.original_post❙
Maybe try:
Or try:
Custom filter does not need .eml to filter, any string or substring works.
It's still hard to read the logs, because litho is multi-threaded the multiple log statements can get mixed up in the log file (I can see two different litho calls mixed up in that log output).
Try using stock ReVanced and it will show the logs with one log entry per UI element.
Maybe try:
For some reason after I tried to filter this one, I'm not getting any community posts to show up in my home feed.
Is the filter working? It will show in the logs when custom filter hid stuff.
Is the filter working? It will show in the logs when custom filter hid stuff.
For me to know that wouldn't I need to know what element needs to be hidden in the first place, given that we're doing a trial n error method
When litho items are hidden, they show up in the logs with the patch that did the hiding.
Like the log you posted:
02-22 00:20:39.011 10626 11339 D revanced: Filter: LayoutComponentsFilter Filtered identifier: cell_divider.eml|a3c76cf45290d34f
So if custom filter is hiding anything, it will show something like Filter: CustomFilter Filtered ...
But like I said, I'm not seeing any posts in my home feed, and if there's no posts, how would the filter capture it as hidden?
If the custom filter is working, you won't see the posts in the app, but it will show up as hidden in the logs.
Just search if "CustomFilter" is anywhere in your logs.
Finally some posts showed up and no, they view all posts button is still there. Tried both the components.
Try experimenting with other custom filters.
(any part of the path)$(any part of the buffer)
It's showing up like this now.
02-22 01:43:17.803 20862 21059 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: Proto buffer is null, using an empty buffer array
02-22 01:43:17.803 20862 21059 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: Searching ID: null Path: post_base_wrapper.eml|5e2b195a9a5d7880|CellType|post_base.eml|397e38aba64a8981|ContainerType|post.eml|b9dd6295ab418a5f|ContainerType|ContainerType|post_content.eml|e73333795cadcc57|ContainerType| BufferStrings:
02-22 01:43:17.803 20862 21059 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: Proto buffer is null, using an empty buffer array
02-22 01:43:17.803 20862 21059 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: Searching ID: null Path: post_base_wrapper.eml|5e2b195a9a5d7880|CellType|post_base.eml|397e38aba64a8981|ContainerType|post.eml|b9dd6295ab418a5f|ContainerType|ContainerType|post_content.eml|e73333795cadcc57|ContainerType| BufferStrings:
02-22 01:43:17.803 20862 21060 D revanced: LithoFilterPatch: Searching ID: null Path: post_base_wrapper.eml|5e2b195a9a5d7880|CellType|post_base.eml|397e38aba64a8981|ContainerType|post.eml|b9dd6295ab418a5f|ContainerType|ContainerType|post_header.eml|2dce4b70ac02cd14
The buffer sometimes null is new behavior of 19.04.37
Can repatch 19.03.x if needed and it should not happen