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bug: phone strucks on youtube only.
Bug description
I tried all revanced versions by different people. There is one mazor bug in all of them. When I watch videos on full screen, and try to open wifi settings and after that i return to youtube, youtube works fine but all gesture navigations stop working. I am unable to go to home screen, back, or recent apps or open any other app. Last option left is to reboot the phone.
Steps to reproduce
Open YouTube. Watch any video. Switch to full screen. Open notification panel. Hold on wifi icon and go to wifi settings. Return to youtube. Bang! Your phone will just struck on youtube. You can't close or go back to home screen. Last option to do reboot your device. My phone - realme x7 5g Android 12 RMUI 3.0
Relevant log output
Cant capture
Screenshots or videos
Video link-
No response
Additional context
No response
Reproduction steps do not work.
May be, this issue occuring in realme UI 3.0 only. But i tried so many revanced versions. And facing this common issue in all of them.
I tried so many times to reproduce it and these steps always work.
Disable patches until the error is gone, report back which one of them causes the issue.
I am not that pro😑
I'll leave this open for a considerate amount of time for someone else to report, reproduce and report the faulty patch until I close it.
Seems like PIP issue, try it with stock Youtube app
I have realme UI 3.0 cannot reproduce
The video link is expired, can you turn off PIP and try again? @darknoob786
Yes brother. It is PIP issue. When i turned off PIP, issue gone. But after turning on PIP again, issue occurs again.
Looks like a phone issue, have you tried on regular YouTube?
Yes. In stock youtube, it's Functioning properly.
Yes. In stock youtube, it's Functioning properly.
Can you record it?
That's when the PIP is off, If you can, test it with PIP enabled on Stock Youtube. PIP is maintained by Youtube and your phone vendor.
cannot reproduce with realme ui 3.0
PIP issue cannot be fixed, you need to report it to Youtube or your phone vendor. it's improbable for ReVanced to fix this
Try disabling all other patches except background playback and check if it still causes this issue.
Brother PIP is causing issue. Close this issue now. May be it's the problem of my phone.
If it were a problem with your phone then it should've not worked on YouTube too, disable all paches except PiP and check if the error still happens, if so please record it.
Brother i don't know how to disable patches. I am noob.
So how did you disable PiP before to confirm it's a PiP issue?
Thos version of YouTube is not supported yet, try on the latest version supported by excluding all patches except background playback.
This is the most stable version of revanced that i have tried so far. Can you pls share link of any stable version?
We don't provide prepatched applications. Follow the wiki on how to build it.
Bro i patched without pip and it works but i am unable to play videos in background now.
And i tried patching with only pip and all other patches disabled, result was phone again struck on youtube. Screen recording With enabled pip only patch-
Hence it is clear that the issue is just because of PIP ONLY! Either bug in app or in my phone.
Will have to wait for someone else to also report this issue.