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found minor problem in new "any user" feature
Re4son, I found something we missed when I tested the new user options for version 3.0 the other night.
When issuing "adduser newuser", the Kali pi repo doesn't automatically copy over. So I copied Kali-pi from "pi" to "newuser" manually. Everything seemed fine, but we forgot about something... whenever issuing "sudo" as "newuser", it says "newuser" doest exist in sudoers.
I think it's because I just did usermod to change "pi" into "newuser" while testing, instead of adding user, so everything was replaced with "newuser".
Just a heads up. Idk if it's just something I'm doing wrong or what.
-(aka) Blakk.s
Oops, thanks for raising that. Something to consider for the kalipi-menu item you suggested.
Is the new user a member of the group "pi"? If not you should adjust this line in "/etc/sudoers":
%pi ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/poweroff, /sbin/reboot, /sbin/shutdown, /home/pi/Kali-Pi/menu
Sorry for late reply... No, it didn't add new user to group pi. Replacing "%pi" with "%newuser" as suggested works.
I left the /home dir as "/home/pi/Kali-Pi/menu". Haven't tested menu yet, but should work fine as I don't get the "newuser is not part of sudoers" error.
Scratch that. It only allows "sudo reboot" and such. Doing "sudo apt-get update" returns: Sorry, user newuser is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/apt-get update' as root of Kali-Pi.
Sorry, forgot to mention to add "newuser" to a few groups:
usermod -a -G sudo,ftp,kismet newuser
Please let me know how your go with that
Will do soon Re4son, thanks
There it is. That did it