You're most welcome @randombit. Making the changes you suggested did indeed solve the problem. However, there are now other compiling errors: ``` src/lib/utils/cpuid/cpuid_x86.cpp(36): error: argument of type "uint32_t={__uint32_t={unsigned int}} *"...
Can't test it at the moment, but I'll do it as fast as I can. Maybe it is a problem related to how I installed ICC. 1. I downloaded the...
I have pulled all your changes and the problem still persists... The new error is: ``` src/lib/utils/cpuid/cpuid_x86.cpp(54): error: identifier "__cpuidex" is undefined __cpuidex((int*)out, type, level); ^ compilation aborted for src/lib/utils/cpuid/cpuid_x86.cpp...
The problem with `__cpuindex` seems fixed now. However, the compilation is still unsuccessful. There are, literally, thousands of errors like: ``` [...] ld: build/obj/lib/x509_x509path.o: in function `std::__future_base::_Deferred_state::~_Deferred_state()': x509path.cpp:(.text._ZNSt13__future_base15_Deferred_stateINSt6thread8_InvokerISt5tupleIJZN5Botan4PKIX17check_ocsp_onlineERKSt6vectorINS4_16X509_CertificateESaIS7_EERKS6_IPNS4_17Certificate_StoreESaISD_EENSt6chrono10time_pointINSI_3_V212system_clockENSI_8durationIxSt5ratioILx1ELx1000000000EEEEEENSM_IxSN_ILx1ELx1000EEEEbNSM_IxSN_ILx1ELx1EEEEEUlvE0_EEEESt8optionalINS4_4OCSP8ResponseEEED0Ev[_ZNSt13__future_base15_Deferred_stateINSt6thread8_InvokerISt5tupleIJZN5Botan4PKIX17check_ocsp_onlineERKSt6vectorINS4_16X509_CertificateESaIS7_EERKS6_IPNS4_17Certificate_StoreESaISD_EENSt6chrono10time_pointINSI_3_V212system_clockENSI_8durationIxSt5ratioILx1ELx1000000000EEEEEENSM_IxSN_ILx1ELx1000EEEEbNSM_IxSN_ILx1ELx1EEEEEUlvE0_EEEESt8optionalINS4_4OCSP8ResponseEEED0Ev]+0x22): undefined reference...
I am not mixing architectures. I am building ICC for 64 bits and I want to use it with -m32 to compile for 32bits. In other words: ``` $ source...
Hi again. After a lot of try-outs, I'm still unsuccessful when compiling the library. I reinstalled the compiler but something is not right in the environment setup. I'm getting the...
This issue still persists. A query like: ``` MERGE (AV_0:ArgumentValue{identifier:'C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\urlmon.dll'}) ``` outputs: ``` message: Invalid input 'r': expected four hexadecimal digits specifying a unicode character ``` `r` is the char...
For anyone still facing this problem, I suggest forking/cloning @Harsh14901's fixed version #14 (https://github.com/Harsh14901/vf3lib)
Wondering why this isn't merged in the main repo. Could be just another example of academia abandonware?