Silvia Bigler
Silvia Bigler
I believe I have pretty much the same issue. First I discovered it in a docker container, now I reproduced it in the host system. ### OS Info OS: Arch...
I have missed that part. I have not restartet mergerfs after adding the group. On the hosts side it indeed works after a restart. Having a command to flush this...
Mergerfs is running on the host, not inside docker. mergerfs mounts to /mnt/user/ And I am not aware of any namespaces, so I suppose I don't have anything special configured....
I can't really reproduce it easily with the ubuntu image. The point is: In pihole, the webserver does not run as root, but as the user www-data. This user is...
I had a bunch of other issues with `use_ino` together with nfs. But since I am moving away from it, I can give it another try. I now disabled the...
I will finish the migration and change `use_ino` as soon as possible. Maybe it helps. I will also play around with caching a bit and make a few more traces....
Turned out I got the wrong pid when doing the strace of mergerfs...There are two instances and I got the wrong one :-( These traces now both show log.txt. Traces...
Oh, I also added `use_ino`, which no visible change so far
You're right. I'll have a look at it tomorrow, looks like I am too tired to manage it right now.
So this is the one. Picked the wrong file yesterday, sorry for this. Now both of them are from the same time and say something about log.txt. [](