JoinPython icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
JoinPython copied to clipboard

A python script that allows for pushing to Join by Joaoapps from the command line.


A python script that allows for pushing to Join by Joaoapps from the command line.



  • Python3
  • A Join Account


  • Run pip3 install joinpython or pip3 install git+
  • Run --setup to start the setup (optional)

The Config File

If you run setup, a config file is created at ~/JoinPython.json with your device and contact data. This allows you to omit certain arguments (--apikey, --deviceId, etc.) when running the program.
If you have a file named JoinPython.json in your current directory, it will be used instead of the one in your home folder.
You can choose to use a different config file with the --config option.

Sample config file:

    "version": "VERSION",
    "apikey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
    "default_device": "Phone",
    "contacts": {
        "Name 1": "5555555555"
    "devices": {
        "Phone": "PHONE_DEVICE_ID",
        "Tablet": "TABLET_DEVICE_ID"

Contacts Setup

The --smsnumber and --callnumber arguments take a phone number to be used by Join. You can edit the config file (~/JoinPython.json) with contact names to allow these arguments to take a name instead.
The contacts section should look something like this:

    "Name 1": "5555555555",
    "Name 2": "(555) 555-5555",
    "Name 3": "+1 555.555.5555"

The actual formatting of the numbers is unimportant; Join should be able to handle most formats.
You can also use this Tasker task (also available here) to pull the numbers from your phone's contacts (Requires Tasker, AutoTools, and AutoContacts to run)

--smscontactname can be used instead of contact setup, but contact setup is still required for --callnumber and --smsnumber


Run with arguments corresponding to what you want to do. Arguments correspond directly to the Join API (Ex: The clipboard parameter is --clipboard). --help gives a list of accepted arguments.


  • The deviceNames parameter is used when --deviceId is given a comma separated list of names. deviceIds is never used.
  • Including a comma anywhere in the --deviceId parameter will force it to use deviceNames, even if you only list one device. -d Phone -c test won't work without a config file, but -d Phone, -c test will.
  • --deviceId can take device names (with a config file or comma), groups (, group.all, etc.), or use an ID directly.
  • --deviceId can be ommitted if you provide a default device in the config file.
  • --apikey can take an API key or be ommitted to use the key in the config file.
  • --generateURL prints the Join API URL without actually calling it.
  • --config allows you to choose what config file to use

As a module

joinpython.listDevices( apikey )

Returns a JSON object of devices from the Join API. It directly returns the response of

joinpython.request( args )

Takes a dictionary of API parameters and sends them to Join.
If your arguments include the key generateURL, it will return a string of the Join URL instead of sending the request to Join.


#!/usr/bin/env python3
import joinpython
args = {
    "deviceId": "DEVICE_ID_HERE",
    "apikey": "API_KEY_HERE",
    "clipboard": "Clipboard Text",
    "find": True
response = joinpython.request(args)

Old Version

The older (pre pip installation support) version is still available at
The main differences are:

  • The older versions did not have version numbers
  • The contact and device data was stored in two separate files
  • The config file was stored in the installation directory, not the home folder
  • It can now be imported as a module without copying the file
  • Pip handles adding the script to the path automatically