Okay so I'm gonna update this since we're "delayed".. (I mean since we can't release 6.0.0) The script libndi-get.sh was updated and fixed but the .deb package still points to...
Any way to verify that this isn't a firewall problem on the SteamOS?
Looking good so far, the readme is well documented too, it should make it much faster for people to fix issues before filling a report here or in the discord...
> I do wonder if the readme is too long and if the readme should just be a simple intro and we should have separate wiki pages for specific topics...
Are they on the same network?, are they both on ethernet? does NDI tools pick the signal on the recieving end?
Then this might be network isolation. Which it's a security measure a lot of routers toggle by default. Please investigate.
You will need to vetify with NDI studio monitor. Otherwise it might just be firewall. This are the ports used by NDI: https://ndi.tv/tools/education/networking/best-practices/networking-best-practice/
> /tmp /home/localadmin/Downloads Why does it go from tmp to /home/ ?
Thats really odd.. the only that comes to my mind is SeLinux trying to limit to /home/.. Could you verify if its running with sestatus? I might spin VM later...