To add here: Is the colour output set to limited in OBS? ALSO for the Nvidia gpu users: You need to change in the nvidia control panel video colour settings...
I suffer this same issue just by simply having the overlay being open or by the "controller" reminder popup, it makes it impossible to do remoteplay. I will have to...
I've encountered this issue myself, it was back in the **Ndi 4.9/4.10** days. My way to fix it was to remove the NDI audio source and re-add it again. I...
> Related to #429 ? Yes this related to [#429](https://github.com/obs-ndi/obs-ndi/issues/429l) I meant to update this when I encountered the issue with 4.12, I completely forgot. I encountered the issue a...
Also I have noticed that this issue applies when the signal is lost, it leaves a black background and it doesn't allow any image unless you hide the source, obs-ndi...
Wasn't this fixed in 4.13.1? https://github.com/obs-ndi/obs-ndi/releases/tag/4.13.1
Having this same issue, it works fine in unity 2020 but not in unity 2022.3.6f1
> @RayneYoruka How was `libndi-get.sh` run? By design, if you just run it with no parameters then all it does is literally "get" the `sudo ./libndi-get.sh` Altho maybe it's worth...
This should be added to the wiki / main page, it will avoid confusion!
This should be changed on the install page or more people will come seeking help as the plugin being requested by obs needs to be put on X folder, it's...