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The official generation code and toolkits of VDW dataset (ICCV 2023)
VDW Dataset Toolkits πππ
πππ Welcome to the VDW Dataset Toolkits! πππ
This repo contains the official generation code of Video Depth in the Wild (VDW) dataset.
The toolkits also serve as a comprehensive codebase to generate disparity from stereo videos.
The VDW dataset is proposed by ICCV 2023 paper "Neural Video Depth Stabilizer" (NVDS repo)
Authors: Yiran Wang1, Min Shi1, Jiaqi Li1, Zihao Huang1, Zhiguo Cao1, Jianming Zhang2, Ke Xian3*, Guosheng Lin3
Institutes: 1Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2Adobe Research, 3Nanyang Technological University
Project Page | Arxiv | Video | θ§ι’ | Poster | Supp | VDW Dataset | NVDS Repo
π¦ License and Releasing Policy
We have released the VDW dataset under strict conditions. We must ensure that the releasing wonβt violate any copyright requirements. To this end, we will not release any video frames or the derived data in public. Instead, we provide meta data and detailed toolkits, which can be used to reproduce VDW or generate your own data. All the meta data and toolkits are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, which can only be used for academic and research purposes. Refer to the VDW official website for more information.
πΌ Dataset Highlight
π¨ Installation
Please refer to GMFlow, SegFormer, and Mask2Former for installation. You can run these three models, than you can run our data generation code. If you change the names of environment, you can revise the lines of 'conda activate xxx' in our scripts for running. Thanks!
Environments. Two conda envs are required:
. The VDW env is based onpython=3.6.13
. Refer to therequirements.txt
(retrieved by pip freeze) for details. We install basic packages, GMFlow, and SegFormer in the VDW env, while create another mask2former env for Mask2Former.conda create -n VDW python=3.6.13 conda activate VDW conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c conda-forge pip install -r requirements.txt
# Refer to the installation of Mask2Former. conda create -n mask2former python=3.8.13 conda activate mask2former conda install pytorch==1.9.0 torchvision==0.10.0 cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c conda-forge pip install numpy imageio opencv-python scipy tensorboard timm scikit-image tqdm glob h5py
Installation of GMflow, Mask2Former, and SegFormer. We utilize state-of-the-art optical flow model GMFlow to generate disparity. The semantic segmentation models Mask2Former and SegFormer are utilized to conduct sky segmentation (infinitely far, i.e., zero disparity). Please refer to GMFlow, SegFormer (the two in VDW env), and Mask2Former (in mask2former env) for installation.
MMCV and MMseg. The SegFormer also relies on MMSegmentation and MMCV. we suggest you to install
, because some API or functions are removed inmmcv-full==2.x.x
. Please refer to MMSegmentation-v0.11.0 and their official document for detailed installation instructions step by step. The key is to match the version of mmcv-full and mmsegmentation with the version of cuda and pytorch on your server. For instance, I haveCUDA 11.1
andPyTorch 1.9.0
on my server, thusmmcv-full 1.3.x
andmmseg 0.11.0
(as in our installation instructions) are compatible with my environment (confirmed by mmcv-full 1.3.x). You should check the matching version of your own server on the official documents of mmcv-full and mmseg. You can choose different versions in their documents and check the version matching relations. Please refer to SegFormer and NVDS Issue #1 for more information.
β‘ Data Generation with VDW Demo Set
Prerequisite. We splice ββtwo sequences into a demo video to illustrate on the video scene segmentation. Only the sequence with consecutive camera motion can be considered as one sample in the dataset. We use PySceneDetect to split the raw video
into sequences.conda activate VDW pip install scenedetect[opencv] --upgrade cd VDW_Dataset_Toolkits scenedetect -i ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/raw_video/rgbdemo.mp4 -o ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/scenedetect/ split-video detect-adaptive
The two segmented sequences will be saved in
. To run the toolkits, you should rename the sequences to000001.mp4
, etc. For reproducing the data, we provide the time stamps in our meta data. Thus, FFmpeg can also be used to extract the video with the time stamps.ffmpeg -i ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/raw_video/rgbdemo.mp4 -ss t0 -t t1 ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/scenedetect/000001.mp4 ffmpeg -i ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/raw_video/rgbdemo.mp4 -ss t1 -t t2 ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/scenedetect/000002.mp4
Meanwhile, you should also download the segformer.b5.640x640.ade.160k.pth and model_final_6b4a3a.pkl (Mask2Former), putting them into the
folders respectively. -
Generate Processing Scripts. Remember to modify the
with your own conda patch. After that, you can generate the processing sh scriptdemo.sh
for the demo sequences.python ./writesh/writesh.py --start 1 --end 2 --cuda 0 --shname ./demo.sh --fromdir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/scenedetect/ --todir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/ --cut_black_bar False
If you are working on more videos, you can adjust
--start 1 --end 2
to the start and end numbers of your sequences. If your raw videos contain black bars or subtitles, set--cut_black_bar True
to remove those areas. In our demo code, we simply center-crop frames to $1880\times 800$. Change it in./process/cut_edge.py
if that does not match your videos. Overall, the./writesh/writesh.py
can: (1) generate the running script; (2) build necessary folders in--todir
, which will save your processed dataset; (3) copy the sequences from--fromdir
to the--todir
directory. We showcase sequence000001
as follows:./processed_dataset/000001 ββββ rgblr # Rgb frames for GMFlow ββββ left, right # Left- and right-view frames ββββ left_flip, right_flip # Horizontally-flipped frames ββββ left_gt, right_gt # Disparity ground truth ββββ flow # Optical flow & consistency check mask ββββ left_seg, right_seg # Visualization of semantic segmentation ββββ l1, l2, l3, l4 # Left-view sky masks for voting ββββ r1, r2, r3, r4 # Right-view sky masks for voting ββββ left_sky, right_sky # Sky masks after ensemble and voting ββββ rgb.mp4 # Original stereo video sequence ββββ rgbl.mp4, rgbr.mp4 # Video sequence of left and right view ββββ leftrgb.avi, rightrgb.avi # Left and Right sequence for Mask2Former ββββ leftrgb_flip.avi, rightrgb_flip.avi # Fliped sequence for Mask2Former ββββ range_avg.txt # Data range of horizontal disparity ββββ shift_scale_lr.txt # Scale and shift of horizontal disparity ββββ ver_ratio.txt # Ratios of pixels with vertical disparity over 2 pixels
Data Generation. The data generation process can start by running the script. You can simply adopt multiple scripts on different GPUs (specify
for the./writesh/writesh.py
) to generate large-scale data parallelly.bash demo.sh
contains the generation process of all demo sequences. With sequence000001
as an example, the data processing pipeline is presented as follows. For our./gmflow-main/
, and./sky/SegFormer-master/
folders, we conduct modifications based on their official repos to leverage their models in generating VDW. The disparity of final voted sky regions are set to zero.# Pre-processing conda deactivate conda activate VDW ffmpeg -i ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/rgb.mp4 -vf "stereo3d=sbsl:ml,scale=iw*2:ih" -x264-params "crf=24" -c:a copy -y ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/rgbl.mp4 ffmpeg -i ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/rgb.mp4 -vf "stereo3d=sbsl:mr,scale=iw*2:ih" -x264-params "crf=24" -c:a copy -y ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/rgbr.mp4 python ./process/extract_frames.py --base_dir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/ python ./process/readrgb.py --base_dir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/ python ./process/fliprgb.py --base_dir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/ python ./process/lrf2video.py --base_dir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/ # Sky segmentation (with SegFormer) python ./sky/SegFormer-master/demo/image_demo.py ./sky/SegFormer-master/local_configs/segformer/B5/segformer.b5.640x640.ade.160k.py ./sky/SegFormer-master/checkpoints/segformer.b5.640x640.ade.160k.pth --device cuda:0 --base_dir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/ # Sky segmentation (with Mask2Former) conda deactivate conda activate mask2former CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python ./sky/Mask2Former/demo/demo.py --config-file ./sky/Mask2Former/configs/ade20k/semantic-segmentation/swin/maskformer2_swin_large_IN21k_384_bs16_160k_res640.yaml --video-input ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/leftrgb.avi --base_dir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/l3/ --mode noflip --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS ./sky/Mask2Former/checkpoints/model_final_6b4a3a.pkl CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python ./sky/Mask2Former/demo/demo.py --config-file ./sky/Mask2Former/configs/ade20k/semantic-segmentation/swin/maskformer2_swin_large_IN21k_384_bs16_160k_res640.yaml --video-input ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/leftrgb_flip.avi --base_dir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/l4/ --mode noflip --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS ./sky/Mask2Former/checkpoints/model_final_6b4a3a.pkl CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python ./sky/Mask2Former/demo/demo.py --config-file ./sky/Mask2Former/configs/ade20k/semantic-segmentation/swin/maskformer2_swin_large_IN21k_384_bs16_160k_res640.yaml --video-input ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/rightrgb.avi --base_dir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/r3/ --mode noflip --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS ./sky/Mask2Former/checkpoints/model_final_6b4a3a.pkl CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python ./sky/Mask2Former/demo/demo.py --config-file ./sky/Mask2Former/configs/ade20k/semantic-segmentation/swin/maskformer2_swin_large_IN21k_384_bs16_160k_res640.yaml --video-input ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/rightrgb_flip.avi --base_dir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/r4/ --mode noflip --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS ./sky/Mask2Former/checkpoints/model_final_6b4a3a.pkl # Sky ensemble and voting conda deactivate conda activate VDW python ./process/vote_sky.py --base_dir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/ python ./process/fill_hole.py --base_dir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/ # Disparity generation (with GMFlow) CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python ./gmflow-main/main_gray.py --batch_size 2 --inference_dir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/rgblr/ --dir_paired_data --output_path ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/flow/ --resume ./gmflow-main/pretrained/gmflow_sintel-0c07dcb3.pth -- pred_bidir_flow --fwd_bwd_consistency_check --base_dir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/000001/ --inference_size 720 1280
Invalid Sample Filtering. Having obtained the annotations, we further filter the videos that are not qualified for our dataset. According to optical flow and valid masks, samples with the following three conditions are removed:
- more than 30% of pixels in the consistency masks are invalid;
- more than 10% of pixels have vertical disparity larger than two pixels;
- the average range of horizontal disparity is less than 15 pixels.
We utilize the saved
and the flow masks inflow
folder to check all the sequences quantitatively. The unqualified sequences will be written to--deletetxt
and deleted as follows. Besides, manually checking the quality of ground truth by visualization is necessary (many times needed). You can use./check/checkgtvideos.py
to save video results (RGB, gt, and mask).python ./check/checkvideos.py --start 1 --end 2 --base_dir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/ --deletetxt ./check/bad_demo.txt python ./check/deletebad.py --deletetxt ./check/bad_demo.txt
Post-processing. At last, the flow masks are saved as the valid masks of pixels for training. Several unnecessary intermediate results will also be deleted.
python ./check/deletefile.py --start 1 --end 2 --base_dir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/ python ./check/savemask.py --start 1 --end 2 --base_dir ./VDW_Demo_Dataset/processed_dataset/
After all the steps above, you can generate the disparity from stereo videos, not only to reproduce VDW dataset but also to build your own customized data. We provide our processed VDW demo set for all the users to validate their results. The final directory of the example sequnece
will be:./processed_dataset/000001 ββββ left, right # Left- and right-view frames ββββ left_gt, right_gt # Disparity ground truth ββββ left_mask, right_mask # Valid mask for training ββββ rgb.mp4 # Original stereo video sequence ββββ range_avg.txt # Data range of horizontal disparity ββββ shift_scale_lr.txt # Scale and shift of horizontal disparity ββββ ver_ratio.txt # Ratios of pixels with vertical disparity over 2 pixels
π Acknowledgement
We thank the authors for releasing PyTorch, MiDaS, DPT, GMFlow, SegFormer, VSS-CFFM, Mask2Former, PySceneDetect, and FFmpeg. Thanks for their solid contributions and cheers to the community.
π§ Citation
author = {Wang, Yiran and Shi, Min and Li, Jiaqi and Huang, Zihao and Cao, Zhiguo and Zhang, Jianming and Xian, Ke and Lin, Guosheng},
title = {Neural Video Depth Stabilizer},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = {October},
year = {2023},
pages = {9466-9476}