+1 I want this feature. Thanks to @Jorgen-VikingGod I've able to get it working. But the more simpler solution I did on the second step is just this line ```JavaScript...
In my case it works in `` and `` but not in ``
遇到了同样的问题,貌似不是 Bug。`savedir` 这个选项有点形同虚设的感觉... 目前解决方法是把这行: https://github.com/qjfoidnh/BaiduPCS-Go/blob/caa18a3765f39f3ddedbc5efe530d1fd1a5f5e9c/internal/pcsconfig/baidu.go#L71 改成: ```go dirStr := filepath.Join(Config.SaveDir, pcspath) ``` 然后把这行删掉: https://github.com/qjfoidnh/BaiduPCS-Go/blob/caa18a3765f39f3ddedbc5efe530d1fd1a5f5e9c/internal/pcsconfig/baidu.go#L14 重新编译就可以了,从此一劳永逸,不需要再每次都自己移动一下文件了
Same issue but `pip install pylzma` worked for me.
There is a different. This node supports image attachment in notification which is `node-red-node-pushover` doesn't. I also make this option support both local file path and remote url path which...
Because the change will break the existing flows, not just the options, this node included a `pushover-keys` config node to store credentials which is necessary.
@cymplecy The core pushover node is not installed in my Node-Red When i was developing this node, I just realized this problem, I didn't test with both of them installed....
Agreed! Just like [Pushover](https://pushover.net/) does.
Tried commented this line and compiled again. Now caused a segmentation fault. > lldb elgato_live_preview ``` Connected to frame-server Received 1920x1080 frame 846624121 Received 1920x1080 frame 846624121 Received 1920x1080 frame...
Yes it only works with hardware encoding enabled. Good frame rate and essential sharpen. But there is a few seconds of delay, probably my MBP 2016 had a bad performance.