Ok thanks for reply. Now the mirror starts but alexa is not doing anything. But another voice control modul i tested works. Any idea whats the problem?
The Status indicator is red. I do not have any button with GPIO 18 pin. Is it possible to use Alexa without a button?
Thank you. Now I use a voice control module to start Alexa recording with the Keyword "Alexa". When I say it, the status indicator turns intro green. After a few...
I tried both but the problem is still the same. I just tested [this Demo](https://miguelmota.com:9745/) of Alexa and this works fine. Here is the log of the debug console, maybe...
Thanks for the quick reply. I did it, but when i type alexaStart() , I always get this error: VM143:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: alexaStart is not defined(…)(anonymous function) @ VM143:1 motion.js:80...
I forgot to enable it. Now it says: alexaStart() logger.js:20 clock received a module notification: ALEXA_RECORD_START from sender: MMM-alexa logger.js:20 clock received a module notification: ALEXA_START_RECORDING from sender: MMM-alexa undefined...
Mmmh. I just registered a new "product" with Alexa Voice Service on the Amazon Developer website to try it with it. Does I have to add any IP to "Allowed...