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RealArray in functor
This example
functor Foo (val update : RealArray.array * int * real -> unit) =
val foo = update
structure Foo = Foo (val update = RealArray.update);
val a = RealArray.array (3, 2.0)
val _ = ( (a, 1, 1.0);
if Real.== (RealArray.sub (a, 1), 1.0) then print "OK\n"
else print ("WRONG (" ^ Real.toString (RealArray.sub (a, 1)) ^ ")\n"))
when executed with: mlworks -tty -no-init < test.sml
MLWorks 2.1 Professional Edition
Copyright (C) 1999 Harlequin Group plc. All rights reserved.
MLWorks is a trademark of Harlequin Group plc.
MLWorks> MLWorks>> MLWorks>> MLWorks>> MLWorks>> MLWorks>> functor Foo
structure Foo =
val foo : (RealArray.array * int * real) -> unit = fn
MLWorks> MLWorks> MLWorks>> MLWorks>> MLWorks>> MLWorks>> WRONG (7.9892357038E~312)
val a : RealArray.array = #F[2.0, 7.989235704E~312, 2.0]
the expected result is of course #F[2.0, 1.0, 2.0]
At 2016-01-09 17:47:38, Helmut Eller [email protected] wrote:
This example
functor Foo (val update : RealArrayarray * int * real -> unit) = struct val foo = update end
structure Foo = Foo (val update = RealArrayupdate);
val a = RealArrayarray (3, 20) val _ = (Foofoo (a, 1, 10); if Real== (RealArraysub (a, 1), 10) then print "OK\n" else print ("WRONG (" ^ RealtoString (RealArraysub (a, 1)) ^ ")\n"))
when executed with: mlworks -tty -no-init < testsml prints
MLWorks 21 Professional Edition Copyright (C) 1999 Harlequin Group plc All rights reserved MLWorks is a trademark of Harlequin Group plc
MLWorks> MLWorks>> MLWorks>> MLWorks>> MLWorks>> MLWorks>> functor Foo structure Foo = struct val foo : (RealArrayarray * int * real) -> unit = fn end MLWorks> MLWorks> MLWorks>> MLWorks>> MLWorks>> MLWorks>> WRONG (79892357038E~312) val a : RealArrayarray = #F[20, 7989235704E~312, 20]
the expected result is of course #F[20, 10, 20]
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.
Calling conventions, eh? Hmm. I bet this is a boxing/unboxing issue.
By the way, I don’t know whether we can make GitHub stop stripping periods out of bug reports when turning them into email. It’s really annoying.
Nick B
Does this work if you write a my_update() function which explicitly calls RealArray.update, and give that to the functor? If so, that bolsters my suspicion of a boxing bug.
Does this work if you write a my_update() function which explicitly calls RealArray.update, and give that to the functor? If so, that bolsters my suspicion of a boxing bug.
Yes, with structure Foo = Foo (val update = fn (a, x, i) => RealArray.update (a, x, i))
things work as they should.