C-Complete-practice copied to clipboard
This repository will contains C programs from beginners to advance level
This repository will contains C programs from beginners to advance level. This will help the newbie to learn the programming from basics. I made over the plan, follow this path to explore yourself in the basic language C :)
Basics :
- Program to print "Hello World!!"
- Program to assign values of two numbers and print their addition
- Program to accept values of two numbers and print their addition
- Program to print simple interest
- Program to accept value of radius and print area of a circle
- Program to accept a number from user and print it’s square & cube
- Program to accept two values of a & b and swap their values
- Program to accept two number and print largest among them
- Program to accept a number and check whether the number is Positive, Negative or Zero
- Program to check whether the number is even or odd
- Program to accept three numbers from user and print them in ascending and decending order
- Program to find the roots of a quadratic equation
- Program to accept rollnumber and marks of three subjects from user and print total marks, average and grade
- Program to print numbers from 1 to n using while loop
- Program to print numbers from n to 1 using Do While loop
- Program to print first n even numbers
- Program to accept a number and print that number in reverse order.Ex:- 1024 Output:- 4201
- Program to accept a number and print sum of it’s digits
- Program to take a number from user and check whether it is Armstrong number or not
- Program to take number from user and print table of that number
- Program to accept number and print it's factorial
- Program to accept number and print if it is prime number or not
- Program to print 'n' prime numbers
- Program to accept a number and print Fibonacci sequence
- Add 'n' numbers
- Add 'n' numbers using array
- Program to accept a number and add the digits of that number
- Program to accept a number and add the digits of that number using recursion
- Average of numbers
- Program to calculate Square of 'n' numbers
- Program to take an alphabet from user and check whether it is a vowel or not
- Program to take two numbers and check whether they are amicable numbers or not
- Program to accept a number and print the factors of that number
Moderate :
- Program to accept two integer numbers and print the GCD(Greatest Common Divisor)
- Program to find power of number
- Program to calculate HCF & LCM
- Program to find largest among 3 numbers using ternary operator
- Program to find largest number of 'n' numbers
- Program to check whether the number is neon number or not
- Program to check Niven number (Harshad number)
- Program to check whether the number is palindrome or not
- Program to check perfect number.
- Program to find the square root of a number
- Program to print sum of 'n' prime numbers
- Program to swap two numbers without using third variable
- Program to swap two numbers using bitwise XOR
- Program to swap two numbers using pointer
- Program to add two numbers using pointer
- Program to add first and last digit of a number
- Program to find area of triangle using Heron's formula
- Program to convert Binary to Decimal
- Program to convert Decimal numbers to Binary
- Program to check the leap year
- Program to find nCr & nPr
- Program to calculate the sum of even numbers from 1 to n
- Program to add two strings without using concat() function
- Program to check vowels in string
- Program to compare two strings
- Program to compare strings without using strcmp() function
- Program to convert string from uppercase to lowercase
- Program to copy char array / copy string
- Program to copy string without using strcpy() function
- Program to count frequency of characters in a string
- Program to count total number of uppercase and lowercase in a string
- Program to calculate the length of string
- Program to calculate the length of string without using strlen() function
- Program to check the palindrome of string
- Program to check the palindrome of word using array
- Program to remove white space in string
- Program to reverse the string
- Program to reverse the string using pointer
- Program to sort the strings
- Program to swap two strings
- Program to add two matrix
- Program to arrange array numbers in ascending order
- Program to check whether the matrix is sparse matrix or not
- Program to delete an element from array
- Program to delete given number from array
- Program to calculate the determinant of 2×2 matrix
- Program to calculate the determinant of 3×3 matrix
- Program to find Largest and Smallest number in array
- Program to reverse the array
- Program to insert an element in array at particular position
- Program to sort array using Insertion sort
- Search an element in a sorted array using Binary Search
- Given an integer array, write a function to reverse every set of 'k' numbers. Modify the same array without creating another array. Reverse the remaining elements even if it is less than 'k'. Example: Input: {2, 1 , 3 , 5 , 8 , 6 , 7 , 9} and k = 3 Output: {3 , 1 , 2 , 6 , 8 , 5 , 9 , 7}