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Spring Boot Security Example (Spring Boot, Java 17, Spring Security, Docker, Maven, JUnit Test, Integration Test, Test Container, MySql)

Spring Boot with Spring Security through JWT Implementation

Main Information

📖 Information

  • It is a kind of Spring Boot example with covering important and useful features
  • Here is the explanation of the example
      Admin and User implement their own authentication and authorization through their defined role name
      Admin handles with creating product, getting all products, getting product by Id, updating product by Id and lastly deleting product by Id
      Admin only handles with getting all products and getting product by Id

Explore Rest APIs

Method Url Description Request Body Header Valid Path Variable No Path Variable
POST /api/v1/authentication/admin/register Admin Register AdminRegisterRequest
POST /api/v1/authentication/admin/login Admin Login LoginRequest
POST /api/v1/authentication/admin/refreshtoken Admin Refresh Token TokenRefreshRequest
POST /api/v1/authentication/admin/logout Admin Logout TokenInvalidateRequest
POST /api/v1/authentication/user/register User Register UserRegisterRequest
POST /api/v1/authentication/user/login User Login LoginRequest
POST /api/v1/authentication/user/refreshtoken User Refresh Token TokenRefreshRequest
POST /api/v1/authentication/user/logout User Logout TokenInvalidateRequest
POST /api/v1/products Create Product ProductCreateRequest
GET /api/v1/products/{productId} Get Product By Id ProductId
GET /api/v1/products Get Products ProductPagingRequest
PUT /api/v1/products/{productId} Update Product By Id ProductUpdateRequest ProductId
DELETE /api/v1/products/{productId} Delete Product By Id ProductId


  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot 3.0
  • Restful API
  • Lombok
  • Maven
  • Junit5
  • Mockito
  • Integration Tests
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose


Define Variable in .env file


  • Maven or Docker

Docker Run

The application can be built and run by the Docker engine. The Dockerfile has multistage build, so you do not need to build and run separately.

Please follow directions shown below in order to build and run the application with Docker Compose file;

$ cd springbootsecurity
$ docker-compose up -d

If you change anything in the project and run it on Docker, you can also use this command shown below

$ cd springbootsecurity
$ docker-compose up --build

Maven Run

To build and run the application with Maven, please follow the directions shown below;

$ cd springbootsecurity
$ mvn clean install
$ mvn spring-boot:run


Click here to show the screenshots of project

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 13

Figure 14

Figure 15

Figure 16