JavaStreamAPIExamples copied to clipboard
Java Stream API Examples
- There are some examples of Java Stream API which I've done
- All these examples are implemented java stream features
Description of the Methods
Folder | Description |
arraynumberexample | Sample Implementation of java stream features containing map, reduce , limit, sorted, max, min, Comparator.comparing, filter, Collections.frequency, average, orElse, mapToInt |
banktransactionexample | This is a bank transaction example implemented by java stream including in Comparator, Comparator.comparing, filter, count, max, min/td> |
employeedata | Employee data is used for FilterConsumerPredicateExample located under funcationalexamples |
employeeexample | Well defined example of the usage of java stream features comprised of Collectors.groupingBy, Collectors.counting, Collectors.groupingBy, Collectors.maxBy, Comparator.comparingDouble, sorted, reversed, max, Comparator.comparingInt, Collectors.partitioningBy, Collectors.summarizingDouble, filter, min, Collectors.averagingDouble, map, Collectors.averagingInt |
footballeagueexample | This is the football league example with the usage of Comparator provided by Java stream featues |
footballteambyleagueandteamtype | Well defined example of the usage of java stream features with the usage of Collectors.groupingBy, Collectors.summingInt, Collectors.summarizingInt, Collectors.counting, Collectors.partitioningBy, Collectors.joining, Collectors.mapping, computeIfAbsent |
functionalexamples | Simple example of the usage of java stream features with showing how to use noneMatch, anyMatch, allMatch, compareTo, BiConsumer, accept, Consumer, distinct, filter, sorted, Comparator, reversed, thenComparing, flatMap |
movieexample | Well-defined implementation of java stream features involving in filter, flatMap, Collectors.groupingBy, Collectors.counting, Collectors.mapping, count, Comparator, max, min, mapToLong , sum, sorted, findFirst, anyMatch, distinct, forEach, computeIfAbsent, Predicate, negate |
studentdata | Employee data is used for ConsumerExample located under funcationalexamples |
Usage of Technology
- Java 15
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