android-smart-rate icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
android-smart-rate copied to clipboard

Smart rate library for Android made with Koltin, RxJava 2, Dagger 2 and Moxy MVP

Smart Rate

Build Status Maven Central

Smart rate is a library that helps you improve your app's rating and get user feedback, inspired by Smart App Rate library.


See demo app on Google Play


  • Auto-fetch app icon to display it in the dialog
  • Appears after the specified session count
  • Redirects to the app store (see below), if the given rating is greater then minimal value, specified by you
  • Shows the feedback form (with callback to your code), if rating is below then specified
  • Supports multiple app stores:
    • Google Play
    • Amazon
    • Xiaomi (currently link is duplicate of Google Play)
    • Samsung
    • Huawei App Gallery
    • Custom link
  • Prompts for rating later after given amount of sessions (if user clicked «Later»)
  • Customizable texts (all!). Two default translations provided — English and Russian.
  • Customizable text and buttons colors
  • Size is about ~217 KB



Add dependency to your module's (usually app/build.gradle) build.gradle and sync:

implementation 'com.g2pdev:smartrate:(insert latest version)'

Set up

Please note that upgrade from 1.x to 2.x will reset all library preferences.

Initialize the library

In your Application.onCreate() method call:


For example:

class App : Application() {
    override fun onCreate() {

Note: calling SmartRate.init() with context other than Application will cause exception.

Show dialog

With default config

In your Activity.onCreate() call

class MainActivity: AppCompatActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

See values of default config in Config section.

With custom config

Call method, config):

class MainActivity: AppCompatActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val config = SmartRateConfig().apply {
                            // ... 
       , config)

See config section below.


Configuration is represented by class SmartRateConfig.

Field Type Description Default value
minSessionCount Int Minimum session count before showing the dialog 3
minSessionCountBetweenPrompts Int Minimum session count before showing the dialog after user clicks «Later» 3
minRatingForStore Float Minimum rating to redirect user to app store. If user rates app lower, it will show the «Feedback» dialog 4.0f
iconDrawableResId Int? Icon drawable to override default (default is app icon retrieved automatically) null
titleResId Int Rate dialog title R.string.sr_title
rateNeverAskResId Int «Never ask» button title R.string.sr_never_ask
rateLaterResId Int «Maybe later» button title R.string.sr_maybe_later
rateTitleTextColorResId Int Rate dialog title text color R.color.rateTitleText
rateNeverAskButtonTextColorResId Int «Never ask» button text color R.color.rateNeverButtonText
rateLaterButtonTextColorResId Int? «Maybe later» button text color null (will use colorAccent of your app
feedbackTitleResId Int Feedback dialog title R.string.sr_title_feedback
feedbackHintResId Int Feedback text field hint R.string.sr_hint_feedback
feedbackCancelResId Int Feedback «Cancel» button text R.string.sr_feedback_cancel
feedbackSubmitResId Int Feedback «Submit» button text R.string.sr_feedback_submit
feedbackTitleTextColorResId Int Feedback dialog title text color R.color.feedbackTitleText
feedbackCancelButtonTextColorResId Int Feedback «Cancel» button text color R.color.feedbackCancelButtonText
feedbackSubmitButtonTextColorResId Int Feedback «Submit» button text color null (will use colorAccent of your app
isRateDismissible Boolean Is rate dialog dismissible by clicking «back» button or outside? false
store Store Store where to redirect user to rate app. Ignored if customStoreLink is set. Store.GOOGLE_PLAY
customStoreLink String? Custom link where to redirect user to rate app null
showFeedbackDialog Boolean Show feedback dialog if rating is below then minRatingForStore? true
isFeedbackDismissible Boolean Is feedback dialog dismissible by clicking «back» button or outside? false

For better AppGallery compatibility the AppID can be set to the store:

store = Store.APP_GALLERY.setAppId("numeric_app_id_from_huawei")

Listeners are also located in the config:

Field Type Description Default value
onRateDialogShowListener (() -> Unit)? Called when rate dialog is shown null
onRateDialogWillNotShowListener (() -> Unit)? Called when rate dialog will not be shown because of conditions failure null
onRateDismissListener (() -> Unit)? Called when rate dialog is dismissed (by clicking «Back» button or outside) null
onRateListener ((rating: Float) -> Unit)? Called when user rated app null
onNeverAskClickListener (() -> Unit)? Called when user clicks «Never ask» button null
onLaterClickListener (() -> Unit)? Called when user clicks «Maybe later» button null
onFeedbackDismissListener (() -> Unit)? Called when feedback dialog is dismissed (by clicking «Back» button or outside) null
onFeedbackCancelClickListener (() -> Unit)? Called when user clicks «Cancel» button in feedback dialog null
onFeedbackSubmitClickListener ((text: String) -> Unit)? Called when user clicks «Submit» button in feedback dialog null

Configuring is pretty easy — just create the default config and then modify it using, for example apply():

val config = SmartRateConfig()
            .apply {
                minSessionCount = 10
                minRatingForStore = 3.5f
// ...


Not needed — rules are included in library.


  • Test Xiaomi app store
  • Add Aptoide


This library uses:

  • Kotlin
  • Dagger 2 for dependency injection
  • RxJava 2 for Reactive programming
  • Moxy for MVP implementation
  • Gson for cache values serialization
  • Timber for logging (disabled in production)
  • LeakCanary for leaks detection (disabled in production)

I believe it's implemented following the Clean Architecture principles. This implementation probably seems over-engineered for such simple task, but, on the other hand, it's pretty testable and extensible.


All interactors, repository and some caches are covered by tests (see tests)

UI is also almost fully covered by tests with Espresso (see tests)

Code style

Code style is automatically checked by Spotless and ktlint. Check out my post about it on Medium.


Every pull request to master is checked by Travis CI.

When pull request to master is merged and some tag is pushed, Travis CI:

  • Builds library and uploads it to Bintray
  • Builds APK, signs it and uploads to Google Play using Fastlane Supply
  • Builds APK and uploads it to Github Releases


Any contributions, including translations, are highly appreciated.

Please, report any issues here.


This library is inspired by Smart App Rate.

Fallback rate icon made by Freepik.

Author: Artem Smirnov.


Copyright (C) 2020 Artem Smirnov

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.