Taras Novak

Results 138 issues of Taras Novak

Setting all svg elements width to 20px breaks renderers that use REST book for pulling data for display. See: https://github.com/RandomFractals/vscode-leaflet/issues/31#issuecomment-939485246 ![vscode-svg-style](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/656833/136698973-6b7a8b54-5923-4f87-955b-a967054d9f97.png) This needs to be changed in your stylesheet: https://github.com/tanhakabir/rest-book/blob/main/src/custom-renderer/style.css#L46

for JSON response display with expand/collapse tree nodes for json documents, in addition to existing Data tab that should show formatted JSON doc. see: https://github.com/tanhakabir/rest-book/issues/73#issuecomment-827007087

I tried GET with csv data file: https://github.com/RandomFractals/vscode-data-table/blob/main/data/usa-airports.csv Your default Data renderer loads and shows that CSV data. However, I expected cell output to be of type `text/csv`, not `application/json`....

for svg/png responses see: see: https://github.com/tanhakabir/rest-book/issues/73#issuecomment-827007087

see sidebar: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/656833/116487495-bbb7bf00-a855-11eb-89a3-ade7338d7211.png)

could be exposed similar to secrets in #78 My use case: I have an extension I am working on that requires REST API host and a few other settings. In...

for XML and HTML responses see: see: https://github.com/tanhakabir/rest-book/issues/73#issuecomment-827007087

would be good to see latest release you published to VS marketplace also tagged in github here: https://github.com/tanhakabir/rest-book/releases Also, good extensions typically provide a changelog to quickly view new features,...

use SheetJS library for loading Excel files: https://github.com/SheetJS/sheetjs See this Excel data provider for sample usage: https://github.com/RandomFractals/vscode-data-preview/blob/master/src/data.providers/excel.data.provider.ts Test use case scenario: 1. Create Excel file with USA state capitals, airports...


should also work with new github/codespaces beta, in addition to keplergl configs already served & loaded via https. see: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/104199#issuecomment-687864712 + https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_37?ref=codebldr#_vscodeworkspacefs + https://code.visualstudio.com/api/advanced-topics/remote-extensions#incorrect-execution-location
