ejs-locals copied to clipboard
Message.forEach is not a function or some time undefined problem
Details['11'] = {
'id': '11',
'name': 'Avanish'
res.render('/index',{'Message': Details});
Page code
var ERRORCONST = 'Error';
var NORECORDS = 'No records';
<%if(Message != undefined && Message != NORECORDS && Message != ERRORCONST ){%>
<span><%= key.id %> - <%= key.name %></span>
Getting error ``NORECORDS is not defined`and print all code on page. I have two error. One is how to use Multiple condition in single if statement and second is how to compare javascript varibale with server variable
if i remove && Message != NORECORDS && Message != ERRORCONST
after that getting error forEach not a function.