garland-view copied to clipboard
I'm using this library in my storyboard. Everything works fine except when I embedIn a TabBar.
Exemple: I am using 3 view controllers as follow:
- _mainVC which have the TabBar embedIn. root, tab1
- secondVC which have a listview, tab2
- thirdVC which is the target vc for the animation transition when click on a listview row._
When I click a row on tab2, the animation to thirdVC is only alpha transition, they are fading each others. The image that goes from the row to the thirdVC doesn't works.
If I add a button to the ViewController in tab1 with:
let toVC = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "secondVC")
present(toVC!, animated: true, completion: nil)
When I click it, it show the secondVC, then when I click a row the animation works perfect.
If I set the secondVC as Initial View Controller it bypasses the TabBar and it works.
The problem is the fact the tabBar button doesn't instantiate the VCs when switching.. but I don't know how to fix this.
When I setup the storyboard to make the animation works correctly and I turn to FALSE
let _ = toVC.view.snapshotView(afterScreenUpdates: true),
It happen the same problem. Maybe the snapshotView dosent works with tabBar!?