RGLAlertView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
RGLAlertView copied to clipboard

A new way to create custom alert views.



A nicely alternative way to present alert views, add colors, text, customize them with images, and everything as easy as including a string.


  • As easy as entering a string.
  • For all devices, calculated sizes dinamically.
  • With multiple animations to present the alert.
  • Know which button is tapped.
  • Add up to 3 buttons in an alert.
  • Add images to customize it more.


Import the main file into your Xcode project and import it in the view controller you want the view to appear:

#import "RGLAlertView.h"

In the view you want, instantiate the view, and present it.

Create a simple alert

RGLAlertView *view = [[RGLAlertView alloc] initWithBodyMessage:@"This is an alert view with a title" andDismissButtonText:@"Dismiss"];
[view setTitle:@"Alert with title"];
[view presentAlertViewWithAnimation:0];

Add more stuff into the alert

RGLAlertView *view = [[RGLAlertView alloc] initWithBodyMessage:@"This is an alert view with a title" andDismissButtonText:@"Dismiss"];
[view setTitle:@"Alert with title"];
[view setBody:@"This is some random text, funny thing about it is that, based in my size, the alert is going to get bigger and bigger!"];
[view addButtonWithTitle:@"Touch"];
[view addImageInTop:[UIImage imageNamed:@"firstImage"]];
[view presentAlertViewWithAnimation:0];

Use the delegate

With the delegate you're going to be able to know which button is getting tapped. Is that easy:

view.delegate = self;

And then call the methods

- (void)buttonDidPressedWithTitle:(NSString *)string
    NSLog(@"%@", string);
- (void)buttonDismissDidPressed




Upcoming features

  • TextField support, you're going to be able to listen to some methods once you are typing.
  • Adding custom fonts into the alert view.
  • More customization (ideas?).


  1. Fork it.
  2. Create your branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added this feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
  5. Create new pull request.

Done by

Ramon Gilabert with love! :)