Ramjot Singh
Ramjot Singh
What exactly are you getting while creating a 1on1 conversation? Group conversation not working is expected (it's not supported). Also please try using GetConversationParametersForCreateOrGetDirectConversation method to get the conversation creation\get...
Looks fine to me. I think this answers your IsGroup=true 's use as well.
Can you try the TeamsEchoBot sample in this repo?
What is the error you hit while running sample?
I am guessing you are doing GET when trying to display the page in web browser. Ignore the 404. And try hitting the bot from Microsoft Teams. Also before you...
Did this work for you?
@tnsholding What are the package versions you are using?
This is as expected. From field sends user's Id, user's AADObjectId and name.
If you want extended information about the user, one option is to get it through Microsoft Graph. You will need additional approval from user or tenant admin for it though.
GetConversationMembersAsync should have that information filled up.