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PowerShell module to send and receive messages from a RabbitMq server
PowerShell module to send and receive messages from a RabbitMQ server.
All credit to @gpduck, all blame for butchering to @ramblingcookiemonster.
Send and receive messages through a RabbitMQ server:
Listen for RabbitMQ messages until you break execution:
- A working RabbitMQ server
- More details at the PowerShell and RabbitMQ post
Managing RabbitMQ with RabbitMQTools
RabbitMQTools is a separate module for managing RabbitMQ over the REST API. It was originally written by @mariuszwojcik, with slight modifications from @ramblingcookiemonster.
Skip this section if you're just interested in using PSRabbitMQ to send and receive messages.
# Install the module
Install-Module RabbitMQTools
# No PowerShellGet module?
# Download RabbitMQTools
# Unblock the archive
# Copy the RabbitMQTools module to one of your module paths ($env:PSModulePath -split ";")
#Import the module
Import-Module RabbitMQTools -force
#Get commands from the module
Get-Command -module RabbitMQTools
#Get help for a command
Get-Help Get-RabbitMQOverview
#Define some credentials. You need an account on RabbitMQ server before we can do this
$credRabbit = Get-Credential
#Convenience - tab completion support for BaseUri
Register-RabbitMQServer -BaseUri ""
#I don't want to keep typing those common parameters... we'll splat them
$Params = @{
BaseUri = ""
Credential = $credRabbit
#Can you hit the server?
Get-RabbitMQOverview @params
#This shows how to create an Exchange and a Queue
#Think of the Exchange as the Blue USPS boxes, and a queue as the individual mailboxes the Exchanges route messages to
$ExchangeName = "TestFanExc"
$QueueName = 'TestQueue'
#Create an exchange
Add-RabbitMQExchange @params -name $ExchangeName -Type fanout -Durable -VirtualHost /
#Create a queue for the exchange - / is a vhost initialized with install
Add-RabbitMQQueue @params -Name $QueueName -Durable -VirtualHost /
#Bind them
Add-RabbitMQQueueBinding @params -ExchangeName $ExchangeName -Name $QueueName -VirtualHost / -RoutingKey TestQueue
#Add a message to the exchange
$message = [pscustomobject]@{samaccountname='cmonster';home='\\server\cmonster$'} | ConvertTo-Json
Add-RabbitMQMessage @params -VirtualHost / -ExchangeName $ExchangeName -RoutingKey TestQueue -Payload $Message
#View your changes:
Get-RabbitMQExchange @params
Get-RabbitMQQueue @params
Get-RabbitMQQueueBinding @params -Name $QueueName
#View the message we added:
Get-RabbitMQMessage @params -VirtualHost / -Name $QueueName
# = the number in the queue
Queue = name of the queue
R = whether we've read it (blank when you first read it, * if something has read it)
Payload = your content. JSON is helpful here.
# Queue R Payload
--- ----- - -------
1 TestQueue * {...
#View the payload for the message we added:
Get-RabbitMQMessage @params -VirtualHost / -Name $QueueName | Select -ExpandProperty Payload
JSON output:
"samaccountname": "cmonster",
"home": "\\\\server\\cmonster$"
#Example processing the message
$Incoming = Get-RabbitMQMessage @params -VirtualHost / -Name $QueueName -count 1 -Remove
$IncomingData = $Incoming.payload | ConvertFrom-Json
#If something fails, add the message back, or handle with other logic...
#It's gone
Get-RabbitMQMessage @params -VirtualHost / -Name $QueueName -count 1
#We have our original data back...
#There are better ways to handle this, illustrative purposes only : )
#Remove the Queue
Remove-RabbitMQQueue @params -Name $QueueName -VirtualHost /
#Remove the Exchange
Remove-RabbitMQExchange @params -ExchangeName $ExchangeName -VirtualHost /
#Verify that the queueu and Exchange are gone:
Get-RabbitMQExchange @params
Get-RabbitMQQueue @params
This is a module for sending and receiving messages using a RabbitMQ server and the .NET client library. Originally written by CD, slight modification by @ramblingcookiemonster.
# Install the module
Install-Module PSRabbitMQ
# No PowerShellGet module?
# Download PSRabbitMQ
# Unblock the archiveiles
# Copy the PSRabbitMQ module folder to one of your module paths ($env:PSModulePath -split ";")
#Import the module
Import-Module PSRabbitMQ
#List commands in PSRabbitMQ
Get-Command -Module PSRabbitMQ
#Get help for a function in PSRabbitMQ
Get-Help Send-RabbitMQMessage -Full
#Define a default RabbitMQ server and get a credential to use
Set-RabbitMQConfig -ComputerName
$CredRabbit = Get-Credential
#Set some common parameters we will always use:
$Params = @{
Credential = $CredRabbit
Ssl = 'Tls12' #I'm using SSL... omit this if you aren't
#Assumes an exchange and bound queue set up per RabbitMQTools example:
#$ExchangeName = "TestFanExc"
#$QueueName = 'TestQueue'
#Start waiting for a RabbitMQ message for 120 seconds
$Incoming = Wait-RabbitMQMessage -Exchange TestFanExc -Key 'TestQueue' -QueueName TestQueue -Timeout 120 @Params
#Open a new PowerShell Window import PSRabbitMQ, and send a persistent message
Send-RabbitMQMessage -Exchange TestFanExc -Key 'TestQueue' -InputObject "Hello!" -Persistent @Params
#Send an arbitrary object
$SomeObject = [pscustomobject]@{
Data = $(Get-Date)
Send-RabbitMQMessage -Exchange TestFanExc -Key 'TestQueue' -InputObject $SomeObject -Persistent -Depth 2 @Params
# InputObject is serialized when sent,
# deserialized on the receiving end.
# No need for messing with JSON
Some Data
---- ----
Random 6/24/2015 4:24:51 PM
Initial changes
Temporary section to document changes since reciept of code. Will retire this eventually and rely on git commits.
- Added option for SSL connections
- Added option for authentication
- Created public New-RabbitMQConnectionFactory function to simplify handling the new options
- Created Add-RabbitMQConnCred private function to extract username/password from cred and add to factory
- Created New-RabbitMQSslOption private function to simplify setting SSL options.
- Note: the CertPath/CertPhrase/AcceptablePolicyErrors aren't specified by any calls to the function. Have not tested these.
- Renamed private parse function to ConvertFrom-RabbitMQDelivery, made it public. Allows parsing from Register-RabbitMQEvent.
- Wasn't sure how these were being used. Added handling for specifying an existing queue name and associated details (e.g. durable)
- Converted timeouts to seconds
- Added a LoopInterval (seconds) parameter for dequeue timeout
- Added comment based help
- Made asinine changes to formatting and organization. Sorry!
- Wrote no new tests. Sorry!
- Replaced client dll with latest bits
- Resolved issue with credential handling due to dll changes
- Added config handling for computername (get/set rabbitmqconfig) on appropriate functions
- Added persistent option for sending messages
I don't know what messaging is and I'm terrible with code. Apologies for ugly, inefficient, or broken stuff : )
- Break down functions a bit more. For example, offer functions to handle acknowledgements. I might retrieve a message requireing acknowledgement, and only send the ack down the line if my code meets certain criteria.