
Results 107 comments of Ramin

> Can I have more context for this issue to test it? This issue occurs when there is a problem in rejecting proposed trace, so it can not be tested...

> Testing on develop.giveth.io > > I'm a Community owner and I have a pile of funds that have been donated to me. I'm trying to delegate them to a...

> Testing it again today, issue still remains the same. Are there specific things I should test to add more information to this issue? Does this problem exist for your...

The problem is "My Delegations" view is just loading the delegator campaigns and traces. That's a mistake since the community delegator may want to donate to each campaign or trace....

@MoeNick This component (My-delegations) is completely changed, so please test it as deep as you can.

> Appreciate if i can test on develop instead of netlify. @RamRamez Sure. After PR [#606](https://github.com/Giveth/feathers-giveth/pull/606) is merged, you can test it on develop.

> Here's a prototype with new design https://www.figma.com/proto/FBqHg0UfeuaIueDEZG0tBS/Giveth.io?page-id=6055%3A2055&node-id=6055%3A3372&viewport=457%2C-452%2C0.3704049289226532&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=6055%3A3372 @markoprljic There is a "GIV" icon that is repeated in the background, but I can't download it and Figma gives me an...

I think auto detecting if user connected correct wallet, is not a good idea and it may not have a good UX. Consider the user opens the url for the...

@MoeNick As I analyzed package.json, I suggest adding these issues to this epic: 1. Using just one modal (currently react-modal and antd) 2. Using just one notification component (currently react-toastify...