xml-semantic-external-parser copied to clipboard
A semantic external parser for XML files that can be used together with GMaster, PlasticSCM or SemanticMerge. Supports various XML formats, such as the Visual Studio project format.
A semantic external parser for XML files that can be used together with GMaster, PlasticSCM or SemanticMerge.
How to use it with GMaster is documented here.
How to use it with SemanticMerge or Plastic SCM is described here in chapter "How to invoke Semantic with an external parser".
Build status
Please raise issues on GitHub. If you can repeat the issue then please provide a sample to make it easier for me to also repeat it and then implement a fix.
Please do not hijack unrelated issues, I would rather you create a new issue than add noise to an unrelated issue.
Supported formats
Description | File name / extension |
.NET API reference XML comments | .xml |
.NET Application manifest | .manifest |
.NET Assembly manifest | .manifest |
.NET Configuration | .config |
.NET Settings | .settings |
C# Rule sets | .ruleset |
dotCover (NDepend XML format) | .xml |
Entity Framework Database Schema (V3) | .edmx |
FxCop | CustomDictionary.xml |
Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) | .proj, .targets, .props, .projitems |
Microsoft Prism (Library 5.0 for WPF) Module catalog | .xaml |
NCrunch Solution | .v3.ncrunchsolution |
NDepend | .ndproj, .ndrules |
NuGet Configuration | packages.config |
NuGet Manifest | .nuspec |
Publish Profile | .pubxml |
Ranorex (Repositories) | .rxrep |
Ranorex (TestModuleGroups) | .rxtmg |
Ranorex (TestSuites) | .rxtst |
Sandcastle Help File Builder Project | .shfbproj |
Visual Build | .bld |
Visual Studio C++ Project | .vcxproj |
Visual Studio C# Project | .csproj |
Visual Studio CIL assembler Project | .ilproj |
Visual Studio Code Sharing App Project | .shproj |
Visual Studio F# Project | .fsproj |
Visual Studio Javascript Project | .jsproj |
Visual Studio Modeling Project | .modelproj |
Visual Studio Native Project | .nativeproj |
Visual Studio Node JS Project | .njsproj |
Visual Studio Python Project | .pyproj |
Visual Studio SQL Server Project | .sqlproj |
Visual Studio Visual Basic Project | .vbproj |
Visual Studio Installer XML | .vsixmanifest |
WPF | .xaml |
Wix Toolkit | .wxi, .wxl, .wxs, .wixproj |
XML Localization Interchange File Format | .xlf |
XML | .xml |
XSD | .xsd |
XSL Transformation (XSLT) | .xsl, .xslt |
Note: A semantic parser for .NET resource files (.resx) can be found here.