Wow, glad to hear. So unfortunately I don't remember why I implemented the copying of the debug scope in this way instead of just using the original one. So I...
[v2.0.146](https://www.nuget.org/packages/MethodBoundaryAspect.Fody/2.0.146) is deployed
Just add the following line to set your desired Aspect to be weaved for the whole assembly. You can omit the "Attribute"-Suffix. `[assembly: Log]`
To support namespace filters we take a PR ;-)
Currently there is no possibility to filter for specific methods. This has to be implemented first. Filters could then be: Methodname via RegEx By accessibility modifier By type (method or...
I am not really sure. Normally a ctor should also be just a method but this has to be checked. Would this be an expected default behavior that also ctors...
As a workaround you can apply the [DisableWeavingAttribute](https://github.com/vescon/MethodBoundaryAspect.Fody/blob/master/src/MethodBoundaryAspect/Attributes/DisableWeavingAttribute.cs) to your aspect class/method I try to implement as default behavior that aspects wont weave themselves
should be fixed in [v2.0.144](https://www.nuget.org/packages/MethodBoundaryAspect.Fody/2.0.144)
Ah, didn't know about this new feature. What is the exception about? Thrown at weaving or execution time?
Can you provide an example code or a unit test to show this?