How this can be done in the react component built using `react-kapsule`? I tried something like this: ``` { myChart.focusOnNode(node); console.log("clicked"); }} /> ``` The problem I faced is that...
Sorry, I just realized that [we have to add the methods to `methodNames` array](https://github.com/vasturiano/react-kapsule#arguments). So I tried this: ``` const ReactSunburst = fromKapsule(SunburstChart, { methodNames: ["onClick"] }); null} tooltipContent={(d, node)...
I guess capturing very tiny amount of data doesnt work. I tried capturing few seconds of data (for quickly checking if the whole pipeline will eventually work or not), even...
Well, I am facing the same issue again. In fact, I never was able to post anything to this subreddit. Even though I am not a spammer at all and...