Dimiter Madjarov
Dimiter Madjarov
Fix available in `v6.0.2` of the Toolbar package.
Hi @jinhoyim Indeed this is a strange one. If `top` and `left` bindings are not provided, the Window should be centered in the view port. We will look into it...
Issue is reproduced here too - https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-mcmig6-kw8zlz?file=app%2Fapp.component.ts The Window is not centered in the viewport when it is inside a scrollable container and the page is scrolled. The page scrolls...
Also reported in thread 1555403
Further details and proposed solution provided in private thread 1563366.
We had the same issue in Angular recently - https://github.com/telerik/kendo-angular/issues/3230 but the general statement was that a fix from the themes is not viable due to specific Toolbar usage scenarios....
Fix available in `v6.1.1` of the Toolbar package.
Fix is available in `v11.1.0` of the Grid package.
Closing as IE is no longer supported by the Kendo UI for Angular library.
Fixed in the latest develop version `v16.2.0-develop.1`