Nmap-scripts icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Nmap-scripts copied to clipboard

A collection of nmap scripts I've written

Nmap Scripts


This nmap script will take a screenshot of http[s]://ip:port, as well as http[s]://hostname:port AND https://sslcert_name:port. This differs from other screenshot nmap utilities because it will allow javascript execution, and it will have a timeout on the screenshot request, so the scan won't hang.

All screenshots will be stored in a subfolder named "screenshots"

Designed for Kali 2.0


  • wkimagetopdf (apt-get install wkimagetopdf)

Example Usage:

 nmap --script=raikia-screenshot.nse -p 80,443,8080,8443 -iL target_list.txt

Contact Information

Feel free to contact me with any changes or feature requests!