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which targets were rejected on import?
I had 3 targets in the system, I imported a CSV containing 562, I now have 563 targets in the system. The import failed for 2 of the entries but I don't know which ones. You need some way to show which lines failed.
Yeah, thats true. The import job is a background job so I didn't make any type of error notification system for it, which was shortsighted. I'll make sure I address this in the next iteration! Good call
For anyone interested, the way I worked it out was doing this:
select target_users.first_name, target_users.last_name, from target_users into outfile "/var/lib/mysql-files/imported.csv" FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';
and then sorting and diffing the file with my input file.