@TeslaCN Thanks for the tip, I will refer to the UDS usage.
Hi @nisiyong Thans for your attention. Before the refactoring, we need to clarify how to declare super user?
> Can we define super user from yaml file or environment variables? Keep it simple and it cannot update in runtime. Other users can be defined through the DistSQL. Yes...
I plan to add the `admin` flag to user for subsequent refactoring (because `super` is a key word in java)
Hi @youngMvcBrother Thanks for your feedback, does this issue still exist in the master branch?
@hhw3KevinHou Hi, are you test with standalone mode, and the persist repository is MySQL?
Hi @zzbl1145141919 Have you start the transaction through `begin;`?
Sorry I'm late, I will check this issue.
Please confirm that after `@Transactional` is added, the SQL execution is the connection obtained from ShardingSphereDataSource, otherwise ShardingSphere cannot provide help.
Hi @wting1123 Thanks for your feedback, can you try the latest version 5.4.1?