RaiDrive.Translation copied to clipboard
New lines for v.1.9.0 (coming soon)
@Hulen , @whwlsfb , @a-w11 , @Mugahedb , @JeromeFa , @yutthaphon @wizard872 , @kostefun , @RemboIII , @molokal , @lostprophet , @foxhnd , @fidodone , @Kasukoi , @Highdeger , @michal78 , @GrandMasterX3 , @SadPencil , @yuk7 , @kix99aug , @naruepanart , @dustofsoul , @kazihorka , @holao09 , @Abu3safeer , @gabrig11 , @ilkmon
Hello Contributors,
Version 1.9.0 is coming soon, and 19 lines are added newly on it. All the StringDictionary files are updated and if you have a chance to review and translate it, then it should be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your interesting for RaiDrive always and have a great day.
Working on it.
@kostefun , On next time we would prepare the beta version, but right now beta version is not ready at this time. Please kindly understand it.