RaiDrive.Translation copied to clipboard
To Contributors
@Hulen, @whwlsfb , @a-w11 , @Mugahedb , @JeromeFa , @yutthaphon , @wizard872 , @kostefun , @RemboIII , @molokal , @lostprophet , @foxhnd , @fidodone , @Kasukoi , @Highdeger , @michal78 , @GrandMasterX3 , @SadPencil , @yuk7 , @kix99aug , @naruepanart , @dustofsoul , @kazihorka , @holao09 Hello Contributors! We are always appreciate your great contribution for the Translation of RaiDrive and we are happy to announce to start subscription plan for the RaiDrive professional edition which has wonderful features in early of July. To celebrate this release, we'd like to give you a small gift for your efforts so please send "[email protected]" an email with your email address, and your github ID, and then we will let you know the details again by email. Thank you so much, and please keep seeing our improvement! Have a great day!
@yutthaphon , @wizard872 , @molokal , @Kasukoi , @Highdeger , @michal78 , @GrandMasterX3 , @yuk7 , @kix99aug , @naruepanart , @holao09
- REMINDER - Hello Contributors! We are always appreciate your great contribution for the Translation of RaiDrive and we are happy to announce to start subscription plan for the RaiDrive professional edition which has wonderful features in early of July. To celebrate this release, we'd like to give you a small gift for your efforts so please send "[email protected]" an email with your email address, and your github ID, and then we will let you know the details again by email. Thank you so much, and please keep seeing our improvement! Have a great day!
@yutthaphon , @wizard872 , @molokal , @Kasukoi , @Highdeger , @michal78 , @GrandMasterX3 , @yuk7 , @kix99aug , @naruepanart , @holao09
REMINDER - Hello Contributors! We are always appreciate your great contribution for the Translation of RaiDrive and we are happy to announce to start subscription plan for the RaiDrive professional edition which has wonderful features in early of July. To celebrate this release, we'd like to give you a small gift for your efforts so please send "[email protected]" an email with your email address, and your github ID, and then we will let you know the details again by email. Thank you so much, and please keep seeing our improvement! Have a great day!
@wizard872 , @molokal , @Kasukoi , @Highdeger , @michal78 , @GrandMasterX3 , @kix99aug , @holao09 , @gabrig11 , @ilkmon
REMINDER - Hello Contributors! We are always appreciate your great contribution for the Translation of RaiDrive and we are happy to announce to start subscription plan for the RaiDrive professional edition which has wonderful features in early of July. To celebrate this release, we'd like to give you a small gift for your efforts so please send "[email protected]" an email with your email address, and your github ID, and then we will let you know the details again by email. Thank you so much, and please keep seeing our improvement! Have a great day!
Hi, I'm send 2 mails to you about 5-6 month ago, but not hove any reply.
@yutthaphon, I'm very sorry for that. I checked you sent email, but I should figure out why reply has not been sent. I will get back soon.
@yutthaphon , Reply was sent, so if you didn't get it, please let me know. Thank you.
@Stanly5 I received an email from you. And I will continue to support you as a Thai translator. Thank you very much.