Results 296 comments of Rahix

Right now, there doesn't exist any plug-and-play replacement - you'll have to build your own. Depending on what you need, you can repurpose some of the code from the [HC-SR04...

You are already using the SRAM because your program stack and data is located there. The concept of a HEAP does not really exist at this point (or on plain...

I don't think so. But as stated above, just set up [`linked-list-allocator`]( with a large `static mut` buffer as your heap and you should be good to go.

Don't have an example available, but really just follow the `linked-list-allocator` README by using a large `static mut` as storage: ```rust static mut HEAP: [u8; 1024] = [0u8; 1024]; #[global_allocator]...

For reference, some other HALs have gone the route of supporting both the release and alpha versions of `embedded-hal` at the same time: If done carefully, I could see...

Hi, I don't see a problem with making it available. Can you send a PR to add it?

There's currently a refactoring going on in avr-hal, see #130. If you want, you can take a look at some of the commits adding support for new boards over there...

Hello! So I was writing up a super long answer to your question, with details why it is the way it is right now and how one could go about...

Sounds good! I think the easiest way to get started would be to have a quick chat/jitsi call to talk about this, if you two are okay with that. Otherwise...

Just for any future readers of this issue, I'll document how one can manually configure a timer to produce the PWM signal needed for this (@Urhengulas, @katethemate, this is just...