
Results 24 comments of Radoš

It would be great if it would be possible to use somethings like Atoms from Recoil.

@yisar Thanks for a quick response. I've just came across your library and it seems like a perfect solution for project I am working with and it doesn't require whole...

Thanks, @WazzaJB ! `prettier.documentSelectors` did the work for me.

Please, any follow-ups? It really makes no sense to load things everywhere possible and to not have the possibility to unload it. For instance, we have a custom dashboard panel...

@sandeepzgk This is the most basic example (check console.log on collision) https://codesandbox.io/s/react-rnd-collision-example-4impqy?file=/src/index.js If you need material to start working with React, I would recommend [Scrimba](https://scrimba.com/)

After updating to 0.19.0, VSC shows: `Enforce to have the onClick mouse event with the onKeyUp, the onKeyDown, or the onKeyPress keyboard event.rome(lint/a11y/useKeyWithClickEvents)` even with `"useKeyWithClickEvents": "off"` After updating to...

The issue is that `x` from argument `position` in function `onResizeStop` has wrong value. During `onResize` event, there is wrongly updated position. If we resize an element by one unit,...

@bokuweb It might be easier for you to spot where exactly the issue comes from, but if you are tight on time, I could possibly do a pull request.

[jspdf](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jspdf) works fine in CF Workers, so that could be one way.

```ts import { Elysia } from "elysia"; import type { Context } from "elysia"; type Env = { SECRET: string; API_HOST: string; }; interface CF extends Context { env: Env;...