CMSIS-DAP_for_STLINK-V3MINI copied to clipboard
High-Speed CMSIS-DAP for STLINK-V3MINI ARM Debugger STM32F723IEK6
High-Speed CMSIS-DAP for STLINK-V3MINI ARM Debugger
Keywords: USB2.0 High-Speed CMSIS-DAP STLINK-V3 STM32F723IEK6 SWO VCP CDC DAPLink ST-LINK ARM-Debugger
ST company created a great mini-size ARM debugger STLINK-V3MINI for STM32 MCU, cost you ~US$10 only. Re-Use the high-performance PCBA hardware, you can do more interesting projects or hobbies.
Important Notice:
This repo is an old project for CMSIS-DAP!!! If you are a new comer here, please visit my Yet_Another_Bootloader (YAB) repo first on
Please try to install the YAB first. YAB (STLINKv3_YAB project) could co-exist with STLINK-V3 Factory Bootloader, and install one or two of pre-built CMSIS-DAP code to test the DAP function, no need to destroy the factory bootloader.
Beacuse the factory bootloader still in the device, it's very easy to recover STLINK-V3 functions using STSW-LINK007 update tools. (please DONOT use the new verion STSW-LINK007 v2.36.26 or later, the new version will locked the STM32F723 IC's SWD port).
A new very good/low-cost Starter Kit ...... what we got:
- MCU: STM32F723IEK6, Arm® Cortex®-M7 32b MCU+FPU, 462DMIPS.
- Core speed: 216MHz
- ROM: 512KB
- RAM: 256+16+4KB, new features.
- USB 2.0 High-Speed internal PHY.
- GPIO, up to 30s connected out in STLINK-V3MINI PCBA.
- UART, SPI, I2C, CAN, ADC, more...
- some GPIO with ESD protection.
- On-board LEDs.
My code:
- /STLINKv3DAPv1_HID+VCP ------- native HID+VCP mode, CMSIS-DAP v1, VCP(CDC) added.
- /STLINKv3DAPv2_WinUSB --------- native WinUSB mode, CMSIS-DAP v2, SWO_STREAM mode enabled.
- /STLINKv3DAPv2_WinUSB+VCP --- WinUSB+VCP, SWO_STREAM mode cannot enable.
- /STLINKv3DAP_v1+v2 -------------- v1+v2, no VCP, SWO_STREAM mode cannot enable.
All support SWD and JTAG mode. SWO_STREAM mode is important or not? please tell me.
v1+v2, HID and WinUSB mode coexisted, suggest disable one in Device Manager force to another.
The STDC14 connector pin definations:
- Pin-1, NC.
- Pin-2, NC.
- *Pin-3, 3.3V out, re-wire to STLINK 3.3V LDO output, limited less than 50mA.
- Pin-4, JTMS / SWDIO.
- Pin-5, GND.
- Pin-6, JTCK / SWCLK (same as Pin-9) .
- Pin-7, GND.
- Pin-8, JTDO / SWO.
- Pin-9, JTCK / SWCLK (same as Pin-6) .
- Pin-10, JTDI.
- *Pin-11, NC (GND Detect on STLINK, to target GND for ST-LINK).
- *Pin-12, nRESET (T-NRST on STLINK), to JTAG/SWD nRESET pin, or board /RESET.
- Pin-13, VCP Tx.
- Pin-14, VCP Rx.
*---Not same as STLINK-V3MINI original.
Compile Environment:
- Keil: v5.28a.
- STM32F7xx_DFP 2.12.0.
- Keil: ARM CMSIS 5.6.0.
- Keil: MDK-Middleware 7.10.0.
- Keil: ARM Compiler 6 (AC6 + MicroLIB, Optimization[-Ofast]).
Include Path:
- C:\Keil\ARM\PACK\ARM\CMSIS\5.6.0\CMSIS\Include - maybe not same as yours.
- C:\Keil\ARM\PACK\ARM\CMSIS\5.6.0\CMSIS\Driver\Include - maybe not same as yours.
- .\USER
Some issues:
- not well-tested, need your report.
- Stack uasge check and optimize, not performed.
- ......
Further improvements:
- General USB-DFU bootloader, support drag&drop easy update any user App.
2020-07-24 update: MSC Bootloader function is Done!
- Try using other USB library to see what happened.
- Develop SPI/I2C/CAN bus, Logic analyzer/emulator functions, we have a large flash room.
- ......
New Release Notes:
2019-12-22, improved SWD clock, max 18MHz (Keil - 10MHz). USB VID changed to ST VID=0x0483 for all. The USB PID as following:
- STLINKv3DAPv1_HID+VCP -------- PID 0x572C
- STLINKv3DAPv2_WinUSB+VCP --- PID 0x572D
- STLINKv3DAPv2_WinUSB ---------- PID 0x572E
- STLINKv3DAP_v1+v2 -------------- PID 0x572F
- My STM32F103C8T6 project ------ PID 0x572A (STM32F103C8T6_CMSIS-DAP_SWO)
The project is for experiments only. Use any parts and info on your own risks.