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Curated list of awesome stuff for raylib.
Awesome raylib
Curated list of awesome stuff for raylib, Simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming.
- Gists
- Homebrew Ports
- Libraries and Frameworks
- Softwares
- Bindings
- Deprecated/Removed/Unknown bindings
- Libraries bindings/ports
- Platforms supported by raylib
- Tutorials
- Community Examples
- Templates
- Articles
- Videos
- What raylib uses?
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- Resources and Links
Name | Author | Description |
sort.c | ohmree | C Sorting example that uses raylib. |
bleed.c | satinxs | Bleed bug when drawing rectangles with raylib. |
agui.h | masterex1000 | Small UI helper library intended to be used with raylib. |
rpmd.c | SamyBencherif | Pixelated 2D lighting with shadows in raylib, software accelerated. |
client_GUI.c | Goodguyr | raylib example of networking, Drawing circles for each player. |
pan.c | JeffM2501 | raylib example of mouse drag panning for 2D camera. |
noisepl.c | Demizdor | Noise Planets example made with raylib. |
RayCollisions.c | Pikachuxxxx | Function to Detect Collisions Between a Ray and a Rectangle and Dynamic Rectangle and a Rectangle. |
raylib_dpi_hack.c | mattj1 | Function to get window DPI. |
DrawTexturePro3D.c | Rabios | Draw 2D texture with raylib in 3D space! |
raynames.h | dotxnc | Header that provides lowercase name aliases for types and functions of raylib, raymath, easings, And rnet. |
raylibvectors.c | AregevDev | raylib example for 2D Vectors. |
maze.c | EdwardDowling | Maze generation and raycasting example. |
core_2d_camera_c-mera.lisp | pluckyporcupine | raylib core_2d_camera example ported to C-Mera! |
core_split_screen.c | JeffM2501 | Simple splitscreen implemntation for raylib. |
models_mesh_generation.c | JeffM2501 | Example shows that Mesh generation of quad with UV repeats in raylib. |
imgui_docking_exmaple.cpp | JeffM2501 | Example of how to do editor style docking in ImGui for raylib. |
varfps.c | JeffM2501 | raylib test showing how frame based motion can be problematic. |
raylib worldspace panning with rotation | JeffM2501 | raylib example of worldspace panning with rotation. |
raylib worldspace panning | JeffM2501 | raylib example of worldspace panning without rotation. |
Model merge for raylib | JeffM2501 | Example of model merge made with raylib. |
raylib resize fullscreen example | JeffM2501 | raylib resize fullscreen example. |
orbitcamera.cpp | JeffM2501 | Example of orbit camera made for raylib! |
RLAssets.cpp | JeffM2501 | Basic platform independent asset folder management for raylib. |
Basic Shot Animation raylib | JeffM2501 | Basic animation made with raylib. |
Basic entity game | JeffM2501 | Entity example made with raylib. |
DrawTextureProZ | JeffM2501 | Modified version of DrawTexturePro that adds Z Dimension/Depth! |
raylib fullscreen toggle example | JeffM2501 | fullscreen toggle example made with raylib. |
Homebrew Ports
Name | Author | Platform |
orbisdev-orbisGl2 | orbisdev | Sony PlayStation 4 |
raylib4Vita | psp2dev | Sony PlayStation Vita |
3ds-raylib | Gota7 | Nintendo 3DS |
raylib-nx | LucaSkyer | Nintendo Switch |
Libraries and Frameworks
Name | Author | Description |
rayfork | SasLuca | Single header and source, cross-platform, allocator-aware, C99 game libraries. |
rayport | Rabios | Awesome C99, Header-Only, rayfork wrapper for raylib! |
rayutils | Rabios | Single-Header library that extends raylib with some awesome functionality! |
raygui | raysan5 | Simple and easy-to-use immediate-mode GUI library. |
Physac | victorfisac | 2D physics header-only library for videogames developed in C using raylib library. |
rpng | raysan5 | Simple and easy-to-use library to manage png chunks. |
rres | raysan5 | Simple and easy-to-use file-format to package resources. |
raudio | raysan5 | Simple and easy-to-use audio library based on miniaudio. |
ECSlib | firststef | Library with ECS classes in C++ using raylib. |
tbag | osom8979 | Third party extension utility project. |
imgui-impl-raylib | oswjk | raylib backend for Dear ImGui. |
Libre | haydenhigg | Crystal graphics library that is built on raylib. |
GameSystemsInC | nezvers | TileMap & Sprite systems for raylib. |
raylib-asprite | RobLoach | Load Aseprite files for animated sprites in raylib. |
raylib-nuklear | RobLoach | Nuklear immediate mode GUI for raylib. |
zgui | zworld-apps | GUI system based on Constraints for raylib, Written in Go. |
visual-go | Slixe | Framework to create simple application using raylib & Flex. |
rlyeh | basp1 | Simple and easy-to-use GUI API library for raylib-go, Written in Go. |
raycons | smthnspcl | Icons drawn by raylib, Written in C++. |
raygauge | smthnspcl | Simple gauges to display values with raylib, Written in C++. |
libpartikel | dbriemann | Simple particle system library made with and for raylib. Works as header only library. |
spine-raylib-runtimes | WEREMSOFT | raylib implementation of the C spine runtimes. |
stl-loader-for-raylib | WEREMSOFT | STL loader for raylib, Allows to load 3dPrinter file types into raylib. |
Raylib-GBuffers | TheLumaio | GBuffer implementation for raylib. |
tofu | tofuengine | Lightweight 2D framework with a lo-fi vibe, for fast game prototyping. Uses OpenGL through GLFW3, Scripted in Lua. |
RaylibEX | Ferrohound | raylib Extra incorporates more basic functionality to raylib while keeping the hands-on aspect! |
MathX | JusticeShultz | Detailed custom math library programmed in C++ that includes demos that uses raylib. |
LilySweetCat | RaylibCs-UI | Just a simple UI using raylib (Can be used as library), Written in C#. |
raylib-tmx | RobLoach | Load and draw Tiled .tmx tile maps through the TMX C Loader. |
ruicf | nbdy | C++ raylib UI controls framework. |
RLGameGui | JeffM2501 | Resolution independent GUI for raylib, Written in C++! |
raylib-extensions | jackcarey | Modifications/Additions to raylib and raygui. |
RayLibUtils | coolcoy12 | Useful UI and effects for raylib written in C++! |
raylib-barebones | moonsteal | Stripped down version of raylib with Meson. |
RaylibSIMD | Doy-lee | SIMD Implementation of raylib's API. |
RTAudioGameLib | 8bitPandaPlugins | C++ Game API built on raylib and RTaudio for latency critical implimentations. |
RayLib-Utilities | zzador | Some utility & helper functions for raylib and raygui. |
libraygun | jozanza | Utils for raylib. |
raylibExtras | JeffM2501 | C++ Utilities and common code for use with raylib. |
raylibImGui | Ushio | C++ Dear ImGui integration for raylib. |
displayfx_raylib | nicholasimon | Few effects to use on top of your game screen, scanlines, noise lines and pixel noise, written in Go. |
rlgutils | JacobLondon | Go utilities for raylib. |
PaperSDL | thyliverman | Small software library, designed to make using raylib-cs simpler and more concise, Written in C#. |
gtk-raylib | hbiblia | GTK integration with raylib. |
gastar | impzero | Algorithm implemented in Go visualized using raylib. |
raylib-physfs | RobLoach | Provides integration with the virtual file system PhysicsFS |
Paper | thyliverman | C++ rewrite of PaperSDL, dedicated to making raylib just a little easier to work with. |
Animator-For-Raylib | AliElSaleh | C/C++ Animator lib. |
TestFrame | JeffM2501 | Test framework that uses raylib and ImGui together to help test and develop concept and uses C++ classes for windows and views. |
ferox | c-krit | 2D collision detection and physics library written in C. |
RaylibOpOverloads | ProfJski | C++ Operator Overloads for raylib. |
rlzero | electronstudio | Simplified API for raylib to enable beginners to create 3D games, Inspired by Pygame Zero. |
haxeui-raylib | haxeui | raylib backend for HaxeUI. |
rlobj | Not-Nik | drop-in replacement for raylib's obj loader. |
Glui | Samerion | Declarative D user interface library for raylib. |
raylib-api | RobLoach | Exports of the raylib APIs in different formats (XML, JSON, Lua, etc) |
Name | Author | Description |
gxarch | gtrxAC | Simple fantasy computer architecture that uses raylib! |
3d-audio-producer | adct-the-experimenter | Fork of the adct-the-experimenter/binaural-audio-editor that uses replaced with raygui and raylib. |
chip8 | Lockna | Very basic CHIP-8 emulator that uses raylib for rendering. |
SkyBoy | skylersaleh | Game Boy and Game Boy Color Emulator powered by raylib! |
2D-CAD-Raylib | sparkskapil | 2D CAD viewer for raylib. |
raygui_calculator | sorykkk | Demonstrates simple and functional calculator gui written with raygui based on raylib library. |
FunWithEasings | MarcMDE | Small and simple Easings visualizing tool developed in C with raylib and C easings. |
SharedBuff | Mudzii | Level editor using a shared buffer between an Maya API and raylib engine. |
rFXGen | raysan5 | Simple and easy-to-use fx sounds generator. |
rPBR | victorfisac | 3D model viewer with PBR pipeline written using OpenGL with usage of raylib in pure C. |
raylib-libretro | RobLoach | libretro frontend using raylib. |
FNode | victorfisac | Tool based in nodes to build GLSL shaders without any programming knowledge written in C using OpenGL and GLFW. |
RayTracer | MaximeHouis | Ray Tracer in C++ using raylib. |
GeldaEngine | fedqx | C raylib game engine. |
rengfx | xdrie | Lightweight, expressive, extensible 2D/3D game engine, Written in D. |
raytaiko | Rabios | Simple and moddable Taiko no Tatsujin engine written in Lua using raylib using TSnake41's LuaJIT bindings. |
cbit-raylib | nurakmaljalil91 | C++ Game Engine built on top of raylib. |
PhysicsEngine | CarterPatterson | Simple physics engine built in raylib for AIE CS 2019, Written in C++! |
Midday-Commander | Guevara-chan | •Retrofuturistic file manager•, Written in Nim. |
ttme | hfabre | Tiny tile map editor, Written in Go. |
ArtColors | ProfJski | Sort of color mixing tools built with raylib. |
experimental-raygui-editor | Demizdor | Experimental GUI editor for raygui. |
Raylib-Buildfiles | rfaile313 | Simple Makefile that incorporates raylib on OS: Windows && Platform: Desktop. |
music-player | redsled84 | Linked list music player using raylib. |
riley-duper | ArnautDaniel | Iterative melancholy written in Factor. |
raylib-vide-player | WEREMSOFT | Videoplayer using raylib. Play unsuported video format by the browser in the broswer. |
baslike-editor | TheLumaio | Editor for baslike written in raylib. |
PACKER | pkeckler | raylib asset packer. |
Chip8-raylib | ComLarsic | CHIP-8 emulator written in C# using raylib. |
Chip8 | LesFarrell | CHIP-8 Emulator/Interpreter using written using C and the raylib library. |
cobra-py | ralsina | 80s-style Python environment. |
Alien-raylib | athreef | Alien distribution for raylib video game engine. |
cpp-raylib-tilemap | JusticeShultz | Runtime tile map tool in the C++ raylib library. |
MasterPlan | SolarLune | easy-to-use graphical free-flow project management tool and idea board. |
Cute Exporter | Clay Murray | The best PSD layers to PNG texture atlas exporter. |
MySprite | TonyButDead | Free pixel art tool created in the Go programming language with raylib. |
SeijiEmery's level editor | SeijiEmery | Quick experiment in building a small game/nice-ish level editor/platformer from scratch with raylib over a weekend. |
rTexPacker | raylib technologies | Simple and easy-to-use textures packer and font atlas generator. |
rTexViewer | raylib technologies | Simple and easy-to-use textures viewer and pixel formats converter. |
rIconPacker | raylib technologies | Simple and easy-to-use icons packer. |
rGuiStyler | raylib technologies | Simple and easy-to-use raygui styles editor. |
rGuiLayout | raylib technologies | Simple and easy-to-use raygui layouts editor. |
rGuiIcons | raylib technologies | Simple and easy-to-use raygui icons editor. |
graphingcalculator | obaodelana | Graphing Calculator made with raylib using C. |
win-3d-maze | krsn53 | Windows 3D Maze Screensaver in C++ with raylib. |
LevelEditor-MayaPlugin | MadeleinNyblom | Level editor that sends information from Maya to raylib using a circular buffer. |
khkFramework-raylib | kenhyokun | Experimental C/C++ 2D game framework with raylib. |
abyss_engine | HurricaneInteractive | Very simple game engine written in Rust and built on top of raylib-rs. |
CopyCat | reidevries | C++ 17 Game engine based on raylib and EnTT libraries, end goal of creating a tactical RPG. |
peryEngine | pery77 | C/C++ Retro game engine based on raylib. |
Ungine | The-Italian-Coders-Group | Source-like raylib-based game engine for C++. |
chat_from_scratch | senior-sigan | Code from the series of my streams where I work on creating Chat application absolutely from scratch, Written in C++. |
mmGame-Engine-Raylib-ECS | bayganik | C# Game engine using Raylib-cs and Entitas lite as an ECS. |
ray-quake | xero1 | .NET Core Quake source port built using raylib. |
raylibeditor | practicing01 | Editor made with raylib. |
tyro | parmaja | Simple graphical environment for kids and newbies, using raylib as small game engine to draw, Written in Pascal. |
Raylibculator | Fakaaa | Calculator made with raylib. |
raylib_package | Elkantor | BSCXX module for raylib C library. |
clay | RafaelOliveira | 2D game engine for raylib in C++. |
Quill | sparkskapil | 2D CAD Application using raylib and C++. |
RayLib-Keyboard-keycode-tester | jmorel33 | Keyboard tester made with raylib. |
sponGB | kugo12 | Gameboy emulator written using Rust and raylib. |
BlobEditor | trikko | Simple raylib and Dlang project. |
nprof | Andre-LA | Very basic profiler for raylib-nelua, Written in Nelua. |
mc_rtc-raylib | gergondet | Simple mc_rtc GUI client using raylib. |
Red-Shell | KonPet | Level Editor for the Mario vs Luigi Python clone made in C++ using raylib. |
XPROEngine | JonSnowbd | build-inside C game engine that utilizes raylib/Flecs/Binn to create incredibly fast games with C/Lua. |
gargula | gilzoide | Game engine based on nested structs and compile-time tree traversals powered by raylib and D compatible with better C. |
randevlper | rayoflight | 2D Engine implementing Box2D and raylib. |
v2 | notsnail | Framework for games built with raylib. |
ray-ubi | erikerlandson | Minimalist raylib distributed computing container image, based on Red Hat UBI. |
particle_editor | Demizdor | Experimental particle editor! |
rlwm | gtrxAC | Fake operating system/window manager. |
HellRok | Taylor | Simple game engine built using raylib and MRuby. |
Sketch_Game_Engine | MallocStudio | Simple game engine built on top of raylib that intended as personal hobby project. |
simple_raycasting | TheDarkBug | Simple raycasting "engine" written in C with raylib for graphics. |
LunarViewer | LunaRyuko | Model viewer for Quake 1 and Hexen 2. |
mapviewer | myuce | Very primitive map viewer for the Quake map format. |
minitile | catmanl | A mini tilemap editor. |
Deprecated/Removed/Unknown bindings
Name | Author | Language |
Raylib-J | CreedVI | Java (LWJGL3) |
rust_raylib_bindings | DevJac | Rust |
raylib-rust | dtcristo | Rust |
Raylib-for-GLBasic | SliverLIVE | GLBasic |
fb-raylib | glasyalabolas | FreeBASIC |
raylib-haxe | haxeui | Haxe |
rayex | shiryel | Elixir |
NOTE: You won't find these bindings in!
Libraries bindings/ports
Name | Author | Description |
rayfork-rs | Dacode45 | Port of rayfork to Rust. |
Animator-For-Raylib-CS | EMoore13 | Modified version of AliElSaleh's Animator-For-Raylib that uses raylib-cs! |
Community Examples
Name | Author | Description |
WaveEquationDemo | ProfJski | intuitive approach to introducing the Schrodinger wave equation using a classical particle. |
IndieStudio | antwxne | Epitech 2nd year end year 3D graphical project in C++. |
bezier | Armapillow | Visualisation for Bézier curve using raylib. |
raylib-instancing | ChrisDill | Instanced rendering examples using raylib. |
AIEYear1Samples | AcademyOfInteractiveEntertainment | Sample and tutorial code for AIE's Diploma of Digital and Interactive Games. |
raylibShadowmap | GoldenThumbs | Shadowmapping with raylib! |
raylibvscodeexample | Lightnet | VSCode project sample for raylib. |
RayWorld3D | jpike | Playing around with raylib's 3D stuff. |
Cosmic-Hell | AliElSaleh | AIE Holiday Coding Challenge. A Bullet-Hell game that implements flocking in C/C++ using raylib. |
Game-of-Life-in-Multiple-Languages | Skaruts | Game of Life implemented in multiple languages and has version for raylib. |
CHUCK | I3uckwheat | Allows tiled maps to be used with raylib with little trouble. |
2d-physics-engine-test | machinbrol | 2D-physics-engine test with Go port of raylib. |
nim-raylib-forever-raylib-audio-bug | Ryan1729 | Example shows audio bug in raylib-forever Nim bindings. |
ray-lib-example | kebbbnnn | raylib example for MacOS. |
raylib-physics-example | Dacode45 | Rust example of physics specs and raylib all coming together. |
EmscriptenHelloRaylib | aaronrcox | Emscripten (Web) Starter repo for raylib projects. Web builds are automaticly triggered via Github actions and Deployed to Github Pages. |
raylib-3rdPersonCameraWallDetection | chbdev | Third person camera wall detection example. |
ThreadLab | gabriellm1 | Multi-thread copy and paste program with graphic interface for raylib. |
permadi-port | jacmoe | Permadi's Raycaster code ported to C++ and raylib. |
BinaryTree | MitchellRB | Visual representation of a binary tree in raylib. |
Clock | xav1t0 | Clock Made With raylib in C. |
rMandelbrotset | JRAM0012 | Mandelbrot set visualizer made in raylib. |
opencv_raylib | danimartin82 | Tests for mixing OpenCV (4.2.0) with raylib (3.0). |
RaylibTest | Lisoph | Examples of messing up with raylib. |
raylib-practices | ianpan870102 | Some personal practices with raylib and raylib-cpp in C++. |
cellular_automata | zmontross | First foray into using raylib as an excuse to practice C programming. No planning, and lots of spaghetti code. |
simulation | Elkantor | Flow simulation. |
Wolf3DClone | albertnadal | Implementation of the "Wolfenstein 3D"(1992) game engine from scratch using vanilla C and raylib. |
ccleste-raylib | kawa-yoiko | Adaptation of ccleste to raylib with software rendering. |
LearningRaylib | EdSwordsmith | Small projects made with raylib. |
raylib-bench-go | nikki93 | Benchmark written in Go. |
ca-particle-system | rurush47 | Particle system for university project written in C++ using raylib. |
RayLib-Examples | ProfJski | Some fun math or physics demos made easy with raylib and written in C++. |
orbisGl2samples | orbisdev | orbisGl2 raylib samples for liborbis (For PlayStation 4). |
RaylibErosionStandalone | Delvix000 | Graphics demo with that features a procedural tropical island and some cool stuff! |
Raylib-Examples | Pakz001 | Collection of raylib code examples - For learning the C language with 2D and 3D games. |
Raylib-cs-Examples | ChrisDill | C# examples for raylib-cs. |
rayfork-tests | SasLuca | Collection of examples written in rayfork that also serve as tests. |
cray-examples | dtcristo | raylib examples ported to Crystal. |
raylib-games | raysan5 | raysan5's collection of games made with raylib. |
rayfork-games | Rabios | Full port of raylib sample games to rayfork! |
c99-raylib-car-physics | WEREMSOFT | Car physiscs made with raylib. |
c99-raylib-shadowmap | WEREMSOFT | Shadowmap implementation in raylib. |
Dlang-Game-Dev | rillk500 | Games created with D programming language. |
Learn-Dlang-game-dev | rillk500 | Learn D programming language by creating games! |
clang-game-dev | rillk500 | Games created with C programming language. |
zig-raylib-experiments | BitPuffin | Some classic game implementations in Zig using raylib. |
Dnkvw-Raylib-Example | DaNiKhan-GbR | Virtual window raylib 3D Example. |
rlexp | Demizdor | Experiments using the raylib library. |
tic-tac-toe-ai | fr3fou | Tic-Tac-Toe implementation and AI, using Raylib for the GUI and Minimax + Alpha-Beta pruning for the AI. |
raylib-line-triangulator | petuzk | Line triangulation algorithm for raylib. |
SmurfInvaders | ThePituLegend | Technical Demo as an explorative project of raylib. Random game based on Space Invaders and alike. |
recursive-sudoku-viz | riadafridishibly | Recursive sudoku solver visualizer in raylib, Written in C++. |
RaylibCSGraphs | GheorgheMorari | Practical implementation of Linear Transfromation, Written in C#. |
critter_comforts | Sepheus | Source code of hit first game from legendary studio Vat O'Coffee. Coded for the V&A Operas & Bridges GameJam, Written in D. |
VoronoiDiagram | DavinderMaverick | Voronoi Diagrams using Fortune's Algo, Written in C++. |
corosim | apahl | Simple infection simulator, written in Swift using raylib. |
baylej tmx raylib examples | baylej | Example of C tmx map loader that uses raylib. |
MandelbrotGoLang | albertnadal | Distributed computing Mandelbrot implementation using Go, gRPC and raylib. |
raylib_tiled_import_with_tmx | OnACoffeeBreak | Example of how to use raylib to import and display a Tiled map editor file. |
Raylib-shaders | MrOneTwo | Having fun with shaders. |
Demo-Paradox | anatagawa | Demo with raylib. |
Demo-Interpole | anatagawa | Demo with raylib. |
Demo-Awesome | anatagawa | Demo with raylib. |
raylib nbnet examples | nathhB | raylib example for nbnet, single-header C network library to implement client-server network code for games. |
Raygui_Helloworld | edomin | Example of using raygui library with tigr graphics library. |
evaluate-raylib | badlydrawnrod | Few short and cross-platform raylib demos. Known to work on Windows, Raspberry Pi 400 (desktop + native), Web (emscripten). |
RayLib-Video-Modes | jmorel33 | Example of getting list of monitor's video modes from GLFW3 with raylib! |
Raylib-Joystick | TheCatOverlord | Example implementing Joystick input for raylib using <linux/joystick.h> Linux module! |
dvd_screensaver | tomxmm0 | DVD Screensaver made with raylib. |
raylib-qrcode | Razikus | QR Code generator for raylib using nayuki/QR-Code-generator lib. |
keyListener | zvoskars | Program that follows key inputs using C++ and raylib for Trackmania. |
simple_games | senior-sigan | Games created during live-streams by Ilya Siganov. |
FPS-engine-raylib | ValiantInteractive | FPS game engine and simple First Person Shooter created with raylib using the C language. |
Chrome-Dino-game-ripoff- | PixelPhobicGames | Chrome Dinosaur game written in C using raylib. |
raylib_projects | nas-programmer | Things made with raylib and C++. |
Spirograph | NevilleJS | Spirograph made in C++ using raylib. |
Worley-noise-raylib | someone-existing | Extremely slow and buggy implementation of Worley noise done in raylib and C++. |
PathFinding | Rledrin | C++ PathFinding example for raylib. |
RayCasting2D | Rledrin | C++ Raycasting example for raylib. |
Raylib_TrueTileCollision | nezvers | Retro platformer collision paired with modern approach utilizing delta time. |
raylib-raycaster | justinac0 | Basic raycaster implementation in C using raylib for rendering. |
raylib-bunnymark | RafaelOliveira | Simple Bunnymark test with raylib. |
webcam_raylib | henriquel1997 | Test program that displays a webcam feed into a window and uses ESCAPI and raylib. |
match-three | yaram | C++ Simple match-three prototype using raylib. |
ray-odh-demo | erikerlandson | Prototype an integration of ray with Open Data Hub, using a singleuser profile to provision a ray cluster. |
metro | neonmoe | Raymarched exploration of floating-point errors in a metro tunnel. |
RLSolarSystem | arinal | Solar system simulation based on arinal/WPFSolarSystem but via raylib-cs in C#. |
raylib-demo | Adobe-Android | raylib demo project using C++ and CMake. |
Caption | PHILLIPGATLIN | Image captioning program made with raylib. |
raylib_examples_to_learn | gihadmecha | Some raylib examples. |
rayMaschine | danimartin82 | Project for the raylib 32x32 Competition. |
RaylibPhysics | JusticeShultz | Physics in C++. |
my-awesome-project | pintertamas | Programming homework that uses the raylib library for graphics. |
bruhmoment3124/raylib | bruhmoment3124 | Things made with raylib. |
gamedev-experiments | feihong | Feihong's raylib quickstart. |
raylib-particles | creikey | Particles life made in raylib. |
Raylib-3d-Test | t0rre | Test with 3D in raylib. |
GravitationalAcceleration | JohnLins | Example(s) for gravity with acceleration! |
Altair8800 | DoctorAkula | Front panel emulation of the MITS Altair 8800 written in C using raylib. |
rsim | fullnitrous | Cross platform rocket simulation software package written in C with raylib. |
Pepper-s-Pi-Cone | jessp | WIP repository to adapt Roxanne Luo's Pepper's cone into C with raylib with the intention of running it off a Raspberry Pi. |
Nachasic | vicarious-rs | Gamedev experiments with raylib and Rust. |
raylib-rs-play_sound_multi | buribalazs | Example to demonstrate a crash on Windows 10 written in Rust. |
rts | teh-cmc | Building an RTS the old way, with Rust, raylib & Emscripten. |
[ raylib_ffi_bug | jestarray | Incorrect FFI call which turning bool to a random number, Written in Rust. |
Name | Author | Description |
raylib_starter | tducasse | Simple raylib template for Windows and Web targets. |
rbpi400raylib | daandruff | Simple raylib template for Raspberry Pi 400. |
raylibtest | irskep | raylib Nim bindings test example. |
ray-starter | jamiltron | Skeleton of a raylib project with CMake. |
raylib-template | benweidig | Linux template for raylib. |
raylib-cpp-starter | CapsCollective | Portable and automated template for raylib projects with C++ bindings. |
simple_raylib_template | inque | This is a simple raylib boilerplate that can be used as a starting point for raylib, It has also utility to build for Web! |
raylib-imgui-template | oswjk | Basic raylib + Dear ImGui template. |
raygame | AIE-Seattle-Prog | Sample C++ project setup with raylib for Visual Studio 2017. |
raygame | AIE-Seattle-Prog | Sample C# project setup with raylib-cs for Visual Studio 2017. |
Dnkvw-Raylib-Minimal-Example | DaNiKhan-GbR | Minimal example that demonstrates the usage of Dnkvw with raylib, Can be used as a project template. |
RaylibHotReloadTemplate | krzosa | Template for hot reload code in raylib. |
c99-raylib-template | WEREMSOFT | Starting template to work with raylib, Uses make for build. |
c99-raylib-cimgui-template | WEREMSOFT | Simple template to integrate raylib with imgui on C99, Uses cimgui bindings. |
raylib-network-template | WEREMSOFT | Kinda serverless multiplayer template. It can be used to make a very basic multiplayer game. |
raylib-cmake-template | SasLuca | Very minimal project template for raylib using CMake that works well in CLion & Visual Studio. |
rayfork-sokol-template | SasLuca | Simple rayfork project template with sokol-app and CMake. |
go-raylib-template | RaniSputnik | Starter template for building games with the raylib Golang bindings. |
raylib-starter-kit | Hidden-Pixel | This repository is to raylib starter kit to help get up and running quickly after installing MSVC, clang or gcc, and emcc. |
rayskeleton | oswjk | Skeleton project template for raylib. Uses CMake. |
RaylibStarterProjectXcode | braedenf | Basic window implemented with raylib in XCode. |
raystart | jacmoe | Quick CMake based project template for exploratory graphics programming using raylib. |
RaylibVSTemplate | JamieMair | Template Visual Studio 2019 C++ project for the raylib library. |
raylib-boilerplate | Yrds | out-of-box environment to develop raylib games. |
raylib_graphic_template | Qinbeans | Template for future use and has working adjustable resolution. |
tempraylib | CodingCor | Simple C++ template to use raylib in Linux and Windows. |
Raylib-Scons-boilerplate | MrOneTwo | Boilerplate for raylib with Scons as build system. |
raylib-meson-template | gilzoide | Minimal template project for C/C++ applications using raylib built using Meson. |
raylibMinimumVS | Ushio | Simple C++ template for raylib for use with Visual Studio 2017. |
raylib_template | janderkkotlarski | C++ Simple raylib template that should works when raylib is correctly installed. |
raylib-lsk | Lattay | Lattay's Starter Kit for raylib, small boiler plate for raylib projects. |
vscode-raylib-base | charlesmartinreed | Setup used by GamesFromScratch when he made tutorials for raylib. |
RaylibCSharpStarter | AIESydProgYr12021 | raylib C# game starter kit. |
RaylibStarterCPP | LodisAIE | raylib C++ game starter kit. |
Raylib-with-Flecs-Template | HeatXD | Template for raylib with a custom flecs pipline for raylib. |
parsec_raylib_template | underscorenygren | Starter project for the parsec and raylib integration article series, Use this as a base from which to create your own games. |
kotlin-native-raylib-starter | LeHaine | Base projected configured to link, build, and run raylib with Kotlin Native. |
Raylib-C-starterProj | JustinKatic | Basic startup setup for raylib with a clear Start and Update function. |
raylib-scaffold | waruqi | Minimal raylib project template that uses XMake. |
RayTemplateC | GoldenbergDaniel | Template for the raylib library in C. |
- Game Porting Adventures (by raysan5)
- Joint Limits with raylib (by Daniel Holden)
- How to add hot reload when using raylib?
- How to add hot reload to your raylib project (in C) ?
- raylib Game Tutorial : Space Invaders using VSCode
- Easy Blitzmax Streaming realtime audio with raylib
- Advanced Matrix transforms with raylib
- Drawing textured 2D polygons with rlgl (raylib)
- What About Making Games Without Engines?
- - Spotlight: Ramon Santamaria
- Simple PHP Game in PHP using raylib: Snake (with source code)
- Compiling raylib programs with SCons
- raylib game coding library for C
- raylib novices guide for creating a simple game
- Creating a simple game (part 2)
- Creating a simple game (part 3)
- Creating a simple game (part 4)
- Creating a simple game (part 5) finishing up
- Complete Template for Raylib
- 3d Physics with raylib and ODE
- raylib adding a static terrain (ODE)
- Looking again at compiling a Windows raylib app
- Creating a 64 bit executable with raylib on windows
- Aiming at moving targets…
- Aiming at 3d moving targets
- Painting on a 3d Mesh with raylib
- Raylib, projecting 3D onto 2D handy for debugging
- Raylib and Chipmunk2d
- PhysFS and raylib
- Using libmpeg2 with raylib
- Aligning a model with a terrain (raylib)
- A simple maze creation algorithm (C99 and raylib)
- Using RayLib with an ECS
- Animating sky with raylib
- raylib Fog
- Sprite Sheets with rayLib
- Shaders with raylib
- Lighting with raylib
- 2D Spotlight shader with rayLib
- Implementing a 3d GUI with raylib
- Creating Raspberry Pi applications with raylib and Ruby (Part 1)
- Creating Raspberry Pi applications with raylib and Ruby (Part 2)
- Ubuntu 18.04 için raylib kurulumu (Turkish)
- raylib: 6 years of fun
- rGuiIcons Making Of Diary
- Learn X in Y minutes, Where X=raylib
- Raylib 2.0 Tutorial Series by SkyVaultGames
- List of raylib tutorials by HE360
- How to create a game with 'raylib' in C
- How to get started with Raylib 3.0 in C# - Tutorial
- Let's learn D programming Game Dev!
- Coding a Breakout Arcade clone in C with Raylib
- Graphics programming challenges by raysan5 (GitHub repository)
- Raylib Game Tutorial : Space Invaders using VSCode
- raylib -- A C++ Game Library That's Perfect For Beginners
- How to build & set up raylib for Visual studio
- Create Videos Games in PHP (With RayLib)
- Compiler Raylib sur Windows (French)
- Raylib setup on Codeblocks
- Tile maps en Raylib con Tileson (Spanish)
- 윈도우 10에서 Visual Studio Code로 raylib 개발 환경 구축하기 (Korean)
- raylib에서 한글 글꼴 사용하기 (Korean)
- iqm animation raylib 4.0 example - Tutorial
- RayLib Review / Open source free game library / Game Engine / Delphi, Pascal, Lazarus, C, C++, C#
- RayLib / Обзор игровой библиотеки / Pascal, Delphi, Lazarus, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, Perl(Russian)
- Making a Game With Trash
- Best C++ Game Wins $1000 - Game Making Challenge
- 9ª QIDV (8/11) : Ramón Santamaría presenta su RayLib (Spanish)
- QIDV 12 (03) - Ramón Santamaría nos presenta la nueva versión de su Raylib (Spanish)
- raylib events automation
- path following raylib and ODE vehicles
- ODE Vehicle Raylib
- Raylib 3.7 - raylib4Vita
- C64 demo raylib mock-up
- Making a game WITHOUT a GAME ENGINE
- Learning C++ and making a GAME WITHOUT A GAME ENGINE
- Bad Apple!! but its 7600 ReCT and Raylib Logos [info in description]
- Why I'm Glad I Didn't Use a Game Engine
- raylib C - Simple sand game
- Using Android's sensor with Raylib
- Raylib SpriteEngine
- Bad Apple!! but its 7600 ReCT and Raylib Logos [info in description]
- C++ Sorting Algorithms Visualized (Raylib Library)
- Test of synchronize video and audio with OpenGL (powered by raylib)
- Traduzindo e estudando exemplos do Raylib (Portuguese)
- Rayblade 2d Game Devlog using Raylib-C
- 2D Raylib Experiments Livestream (Part 1) - Making the Player Bleed
- 2D Raylib Experiments Livestream (Part 2) - Slime Time
- Raylib Raspberry Pi Sound Demo
- Odin-Raylib Game Programming #000: Windows Environment Setup
- Raylib works with Neatbeans and mac os x
- EPIC raylib c++ rpg game dev
- Quick sort in raylib. Oh yeah.
- Randomness RNG vs Perlin Noise with Raylib 3.0
- raylib - 3rd anniversary
- Raylib oLd SkOoL 2
- Pangea Demo - Editing Heightmaps With Raylib
- raylib on Mobian PinePhone
- Coding a Synthesizer in C (episode #1)
- Coding a Synthesizer in C (episode #2)
- Coding a Synthesizer in C (episode #3)
- Coding a Synthesizer in C (episode #4)
- Coding a Synthesizer in C (episode #5)
- How To Use Raylib With C++ And VSCode
- Digital Crafters #2 - Ramon Santamaria
- Interview with @imakefoss curator and Ramon Santamaria about raylib
- Official raylib 2.5 presentation
- raylib 4.0 Released -- The Easiest C/C++ Game Library Just Got Even Better
- raylib 3.7 Released
- RayLib 3.5 Released -- C/C++ GameDev Easy Mode
- Raylib 3.0 Released -- The Best Way to Learn C or C++ Game Development*
- Raylib 2.0 Released -- C/C++ Game Framework Perfect For Beginners
- Raylib 1.8 Released -- Easiest C Game Framework I've Ever Found
- RayLib Receives An Epic MegaGrant!
- Raylib Terrain Erosion Demo
- Checking out raylib
- Checking out Raylib — Part 2 — 3D Game Development
- raylib -- A C++ Game Library That's Perfect For Beginners
- C++ | Implementing Boid: 0 Visualization | Raylib 3.0
- How to compile Raylib from scratch and set up your first projects (Windows / C ) in 15 minutes
- Making a Game for FIVE Different Consoles - Ludum Dare 46
- Totally Not Failing at Making a Game in Raylib and C During AP Exam Week.. Retro Game Jam 2020
- Raymarched Mandelbulb with Raylib
- Particle System using RayLib | C++ GameDev | C++ Particle System
- CRT scan line retro shader with RayLib
- Using RayLib on a 32x32 "screen"
- LIVE : Raylib, une lib C / C++ idéale pour débuter ? (French)
- C++ | BubbleSort with RayLib 2.6 Speed Coding
- FPS game written in C
- Raylib Voronoi Map Generation
- raylib and open dynamics engine
- Distributed computing of the Mandelbrot Set using Go, gRPC and Raylib
- raylib on 32x32 LED
- Procedural Island Gen and A* Pathfinding Demo
- Install RayLib in LazarusIDE
- Raylib c'est bien ! (French)
- Windows 3D Maze Screensaver in C++ with raylib
- QIDV12 (03) - Ramón Santamaría nos presenta la nueva versión de su Raylib (Spanish)
- Borak Buat Game - Belajar Raylib (Malay)
- Belajar Raylib Part 2 - 3D Camera dan Simple Collision (Malay)
- How to install raylib on a chromebook (OpenGl 2.1)
- Compiler Raylib sur Windows (French)
- RayLib-PHP DevLog Fonts & Tiled Support
- C | Implementing Epicycloid with Raylib 3.0 Speed Coding
- C | Implementing Fractal Tree with Raylib 3.0 Speed Coding
- Coding a Breakout Arcade clone in C with Raylib
- A brief introduction to Raylib
- How to get started with Raylib 3.0 in C# - Tutorial
- Raylib - adventure in shaders - ep00
- Raylib - adventure in shaders - ep01
- Raylib - Fixing the "Skipping Incompatible ../src\libraylib.a When Searching For -lraylib" Error
Promo Images
- Difference between raylib 3.5 architecture and raylib 3.7 architecture
Resources and Links
- What raylib uses?
- raylib Official Cheatsheet
- raylib Official examples
- raylib Official Wiki
- raylib on Wikipedia
- raylib website
- raylib YouTube channel
- raylib Discord channel
- raylib on Reddit
- raylib on Handmade
- raylib page on
Can't find your awesome stuff or you want to improve the list? Make issue or pull request for that!