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optimize(dockerfile): 将"copy . ."移至系统设置之后
optimize(dockerfile): 将"copy . ."移至系统设置之后 将Dockerfile中的"copy . ."指令移至系统设置之后的副作用是构建过程现在将在复制文件之前缓存层。 这意味着如果系统设置保持不变,后续构建将更快,因为将重用缓存的层。
optimize(dockerfile): Moved "copy . ." after system setup
The side effect of moving the "copy . ." instruction after the system setup in the Dockerfile is that the build process will now cache the layers before copying the files. This means that if the system setup remains unchanged, subsequent builds will be faster as the cached layers will be reused.
PR type:
- Optimization
Description: The side effect of moving the "copy . ." instruction after the system setup in the Dockerfile is that the build process will now cache the layers before copying the files. This means that if the system setup remains unchanged, subsequent builds will be faster as the cached layers will be reused.
PR 类型:
- 优化
描述: 将Dockerfile中的"copy . ."指令移至系统设置之后的副作用是构建过程现在将在复制文件之前缓存层。 这意味着如果系统设置保持不变,后续构建将更快,因为将重用缓存的层。
Pull request checklist
- [X] The PR has a proper title. Use Semantic Commit Messages. (No more branch-name title please)
- [X] Make sure you are requesting the right branch:
. - [X] Make sure this is ready to be merged into the relevant branch. Please don't create a PR and let it hang for a few days.
- [X] Ensure all tests are passing.
- [X] Ensure linting is passing.