GPT-SoVITS copied to clipboard
No module named 'jieba',但是pip list 里面是有的
Running on local URL:
"C:\Users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\GPTSoVits\python.exe" tools/damo_asr/ "E:\GPT-SoVITS\output\slicer_opt"
2024-01-21 01:04:42,127 - modelscope - INFO - PyTorch version 2.1.2+cu121 Found.
2024-01-21 01:04:42,127 - modelscope - INFO - Loading ast index from C:\Users\lenovo.cache\modelscope\ast_indexer
2024-01-21 01:04:42,345 - modelscope - INFO - Loading done! Current index file version is 1.10.0, with md5 5bd9ad0c38905b12e94457675d16b1ae and a total number of 946 components indexed
2024-01-21 01:04:46,097 - modelscope - WARNING - Model revision not specified, use revision: v1.2.1
2024-01-21 01:04:46,488 - modelscope - INFO - initiate model from C:\Users\lenovo.cache\modelscope\hub\damo\speech_paraformer-large_asr_nat-zh-cn-16k-common-vocab8404-pytorch
2024-01-21 01:04:46,488 - modelscope - INFO - initiate model from location C:\Users\lenovo.cache\modelscope\hub\damo\speech_paraformer-large_asr_nat-zh-cn-16k-common-vocab8404-pytorch.
2024-01-21 01:04:46,488 - modelscope - INFO - initialize model from C:\Users\lenovo.cache\modelscope\hub\damo\speech_paraformer-large_asr_nat-zh-cn-16k-common-vocab8404-pytorch
2024-01-21 01:04:46,504 - modelscope - WARNING - No preprocessor field found in cfg.
2024-01-21 01:04:46,504 - modelscope - WARNING - No val key and type key found in preprocessor domain of configuration.json file.
2024-01-21 01:04:46,504 - modelscope - WARNING - Cannot find available config to build preprocessor at mode inference, current config: {'model_dir': 'C:\Users\lenovo\.cache\modelscope\hub\damo\speech_paraformer-large_asr_nat-zh-cn-16k-common-vocab8404-pytorch'}. trying to build by task and model information.
2024-01-21 01:04:46,504 - modelscope - WARNING - No preprocessor key ('generic-asr', 'auto-speech-recognition') found in PREPROCESSOR_MAP, skip building preprocessor.
2024-01-21 01:04:48,033 - modelscope - WARNING - Model revision not specified, use revision: v1.2.0
2024-01-21 01:04:48,292 - modelscope - INFO - loading vad model from C:\Users\lenovo.cache\modelscope\hub\damo\speech_fsmn_vad_zh-cn-16k-common-pytorch ...
2024-01-21 01:04:49,145 - modelscope - WARNING - Model revision not specified, use revision: v1.1.7
2024-01-21 01:04:49,542 - modelscope - INFO - loading punctuation model from C:\Users\lenovo.cache\modelscope\hub\damo\punc_ct-transformer_zh-cn-common-vocab272727-pytorch ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\GPTSoVits\lib\site-packages\modelscope\utils\", line 212, in build_from_cfg
return obj_cls(**args)
File "C:\Users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\GPTSoVits\lib\site-packages\modelscope\pipelines\audio\", line 123, in init
from funasr.bin import asr_inference_launch
File "C:\Users\lenovo\anaconda3\envs\GPTSoVits\lib\site-packages\funasr\bin\", line 34, in
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\GPT-SoVITS\tools\damo_asr\", line 9, in
Try this:
pip install jieba
我也是这个问题,显示没有jieba这个依赖,但是已经确定安装上了,后来我尝试在文件夹上运行Windows PowerShell,然后py,在Windows PowerShell上运行,不要点go-webui.bat,就没有这个问题了
在当前虚拟环境下线卸载jieba : pip uninstall jieba 然后重新安装一下 : pip install jieba
如果不行 卸载后试试: pip3 install jieba