netgen copied to clipboard
netgen doesn't handle attributes correctly or escapes inside escapes.
Netgen 1.5.253
Sky130 MPW-4 Slot-029 coriolis_test_soc_-_mpw4
(* ... *)
denotes attributes in verilog that various tools can use as needed. In netgen, they should probably be treated as comments. This verilog
/* Generated by Yosys 0.12+1 (git sha1 0417528ff, clang 13.0.0 -fPIC -Os) */
(* \amaranth.hierarchy = "user_project_core_lambdasoc" *)
(* top = 1 *)
(* generator = "Amaranth" *)
(* src = "build/sky130/top.v:22213.1-22612.10" *)
module user_project_core_lambdasoc_cts(io_out, io_oeb, io_in, vccd1, vssd1);
Expected to find instance pin block but got "="
Expected to find end of instance but got ""user_project_core_lambdasoc""
line number 3 = '(* \amaranth.hierarchy = "user_project_core_lambdasoc" *)'
Warning: Cell (* has no pins
Creating placeholder cell definition for module (*.
Note: Implicit pin (no pins) in instance \amaranth.hierarchy of (* in cell user_project_core_lambdasoc.v
Expected to find instance pin block but got "top"
Expected to find end of instance but got "="
line number 4 = '(* top = 1 *)'
Warning: Cell *) has no pins
Creating placeholder cell definition for module *).
Note: Implicit pin (no pins) in instance (* of *) in cell user_project_core_lambdasoc.v
Expected to find instance pin block but got "(*"
Expected to find end of instance but got "generator"
- Removing the attributes. Uncovers another problem.
Badly formed subcircuit pin line at "[0]"
Expected to find end of instance but got ")"
line number 54517 = ' );'
Error: Verilog backslash-escaped name does not end with a space.
Looking at line 54517
nand2_x0 \$abc$109383$auto$$110323 ( .vss(vssd1), .vdd(vccd1),
.i0(\$abc$109383$new_n15674_ ),
.i1(\$abc$109383$new_n15609_ ),
.nq(\$\soc.cpu.minerva.gprf.mem._mem$rdreg[1]$d [0])
There is a variable with 2 \
that seems to be causing a problem. Changing \$\soc
to \$soc
solves the problem. Maybe netgen does not process \
inside escaped variables (variables that start with \
) correctly.
To reproduce:
tar xzf test_netgen.tgz
cd test_netgen
netgen -batch source lvs.script # original file with all errors
netgen -batch source lvs.script.fix1 # attributes removed
netgen -batch source lvs.script.fix2 # attributes and double \ removed
Note: vdd
and vss
instance connections have been added to the original verilog files.
@d-m-bailey : Fixed in version 1.5.258.
@d-m-bailey : Thank you for the test case. It was pretty easy to track down the two places where the errors are happening.