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runelite hd not working??
Downloaded the plugin and doesnt, do anything turns off after you turn it on... is there anything specific to do to make it work?? any help would be appreciated
It's just got some buggy quirks that need to be worked out yet, it seems like lots of people are having similar issues with the plugin simply not activating (and throwing an error in your client.log file along the way). Mine has to do with shader buffers or something.
Downloaded the plugin and doesnt, do anything turns off after you turn it on... is there anything specific to do to make it work?? any help would be appreciated
Can you share you latest client.log file? In windows 10 this file is located in %userprofile%. runelite\logs
Runelite HD will NOT work if you have an intagrated graphics card. The text saying it's conflicting with your GPU isn't refering to the GPU plugin it's your grahics card.
Runelite HD will NOT work if you have an intagrated graphics card. The text saying it's conflicting with your GPU isn't refering to the GPU plugin it's your grahics card.
See https://github.com/RS117/RLHD/issues/52#issuecomment-920020709
Hi guys, I see this issue is still open
I have the same problem, yet I do not have an integrated GPU and this plugin worked in the past. suddenly it now turns off imediately when turning it on.
client.log says:
2022-03-31 23:23:15 [Client] ERROR n.r.client.callback.ClientThread - Exception in invoke java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.jogamp.opengl.GLProfile at rs117.hd.HdPlugin.lambda$shutDown$4(HdPlugin.java:691) at net.runelite.client.callback.ClientThread.lambda$invoke$0(ClientThread.java:48) at net.runelite.client.callback.ClientThread.invoke(ClientThread.java:99) at net.runelite.client.callback.Hooks.tick(Hooks.java:193) at client.ts(client.java:58003) at client.ah(client.java) at aw.a(aw.java:366) at aw.run(aw.java:345) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
@gccunha1 Your graphics driver is probably wrong / no longer present, what graphics hardware is it?
Are you using the real RuneLite?
@gccunha1 Your graphics driver is probably wrong / no longer present, what graphics hardware is it?
This was a good tip as I hadn't updated the gpu drivers in a while, but I still have the same issue. (I have rebooted after installing the driver aswell). It is an nvidia RTX3060ti and I have driver version 512.15 installed
Are you using the real RuneLite?
I guess so. Downloaded the windows 64 bit version from the runelite website (runelite.net)